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Daniel Smith

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  1. when i try to instal skin, jsgme shows up during install. if i ignore it, mods don't work. when i try to install more than 1 mod on jsgme, i get this message. Folder "res_mods\version\content" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Kongo was first mod i drug over. it doesnt work either. jsgme is attempting to write multiple skins over generic file names. what do i do? When I try to install Yamato mod after Kongo (or any other) mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\finder" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\finder\textures" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\gun" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\gun\main" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\gun\main\textures" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\gun\secondary" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\gun\secondary\textures" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\ship" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\ship\battleship" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod. Folder "res_mods\version\content\gameplay\japan\ship\battleship\textures" has already been added by the "SKIN - IJN - BB - Kongo (Tanz)" mod.
  2. It's not working. Every time I try to enable one, I get the message [Folder "res_mods\version\content" has already been added by the "Fleet of Fog - Amagi" mod.] If I try to add more than one mod, I get the message saying that a previous mod has added that folder. What am I doing wrong? The skins don't show in game.
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