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Everything posted by snapperhead

  1. I've found that you don't need to reset token or clear any cache, but the following method needs to be done for each session. 1. check account in VXM to make sure its activated (if not, click Activate). 2. Login to game. Notification Center will probably show VXM as Inactive. 3. On XVM site, under Activate again, click Prolong (the '+' button next to time left). 4. In game Notification Center, click 'Check Activation' in the XVM entry. Once it completes there should be another entry in Notification Center showing XVM status as active.
  2. I was having this issue too, thanks for the prompt response.
  3. totally agree. In the unfortunate environment that many mod contributors find themselves in, the only expectation we should have is that there will be delays and is but a minor inconvenience in a game.
  4. Are you able to increase the Scaling in the Display settings (under 'Change the size of text, apps, and other items') for the monitor when running the installer and then revert once installation is complete? Sorry but don't have similar monitor so your 4k monitor may already have this set to highest possible value.
  5. A patch was only just released today so you'll need to wait until the modpack is updated (its a small patch so I don't think there's a lot of changes required to the actual mods - mainly updated folder name so it will probably be ready within 24 hrs of update being released).
  6. The garage mod doesn't need to be uninstalled as such, as long as players load the default Hangar (Hangar v3) and restart the game the Exchange can usually be accessed. As I have trouble reading the tank stats in default garage and the blueprint exchange is only for a couple of weeks, I'm happy to swap back when needing to access Exchange and hope the mod doesn't get removed from your modpack. And thanks for the quick response, much appreciated.
  7. It seems like the Minimalistic Hangar (or maybe just changing hangars) is preventing me from entering the blueprint exchange. In the Store I was able to exchange blueprints by clicking on Go To Exchange under Best and swap some blueprint fragments. After enabling the Mininmalistic Hanger I was unable to get in - nothing happened when clicking Go To Exchange. I did a few tests and it appears that the moment I swap to Minimalistc hangar I can't get into Exchange, but it after swapping back to standard Hangar (Hangar v3), I need to restart game to fix it in (reproduced several times) Another time after loading minimalistic hangar, changing back to Hangar v3 and restarting client, I could not get into Exchange until I reloaded minimalistic hangar and swapped back to hangar v3 (not game restart required). Log files attached. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  8. I'm not sure how things are done in WoWS, but in WoT we find it better to have someone review log files rather than trial and error when it comes to intermittent problems. OP indicates that crash occurs 1-2 times in every 20 battles so they'd need to play a lot more than 20 to have high confidence that the issue was not occurring with the selected mods. If they have dozens of options selected it will take hundreds of battles to narrow it down using the WoWS method, and in that time the game and mods may have been updated. Trial and error method only works where you can reliably reproduce the crash on demand.
  9. Is there any info on when Hangman (minimalistic) hangar will be back? I thought the issues were related to the special event garage which has now finished, so I'm hoping it will make its way into the modpack.
  10. I just looked at the Possible Hangman Issue thread and saw that is to be removed (and confirmed by the ChangeLog for the version I've installed (v1.10.0.4 #02). The mod selection dialogue still shows Hangman\Minimalistic Hangar checkboxes. (It looks like the issue is not Minimalistic Hangar itself. It's that the installer allows the selection of a mod that is not included).
  11. Game displays default garage and there is no Hangar Management button at top. The option to delete all existing game mods prior to installing was checked, and I also reran the installation after unchecking and rechecking the Minimalistic Hangar option. Logs attached. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  12. There's a thread titled "XVM Down" and the poster infers that the disconnection issues are a result of XVM being unavailable. I suggest either launching in safe mode or rerunning Alsain Mod Pack and deselect XVM options until XVM back online.
  13. I'm also getting disconnected around a minute after logging in with mods enabled. It may have something to do with XVM being offline. (Notification Center shows XVM as timed out, and the XVM website does not load the Signin button).
  14. A patch was release this morning on SEA which created a new mods folder ( As we seem to get the updates before other regions, we'll normally have to wait a day before an updated mod pack is released. I don't mind playing battles without mods, is the lack of garage mods that annoy me. (WG try not to change the mod folders for small patches, but this seems to contain quite a bit...despite only 2 days since 1.9 was released.) And nothing wrong with being blazed....only way to get through lockdown.
  15. There was a micropatch release on SEA earlier today and mods are no longer active. I've managed to get some working by copying contents of .\res_mods\ to .\res_mods\ and .\mods\ to .\mods\ but will wait for an updated release of Aslains. Keep up the good work.
  16. Yeah, I've got same problem. Today's micropatch updated the version numer of the game which and created new versioned folders. I'm assuming that Aslain will release a new modpack that supports the updated game client but not sure when this will be. He often releases an update within a few hours of the micropatch going out, but I recall from a previous post that he may be on vacation. (a well deserved one!).
  17. Does this mean that we have to wait until update is released to Asia next week before we can run mods?
  18. A Clanmate & I both got Thpe 59 in Christmas giftboxes and noticed that they had different stats in garage - mine has 50 shell capacity and 2.3 s aim time and his had 34 shelll capacity and 2.9 s aim time. Only difference was that he had a Type 59 skin enabled (pre 9.20.1 buff) After starting game in safe mode he was then able to load 50 shells (and stayed with 50 shells after reenabling mods. Don't know whether the in-game performance was actually affected (aim time, gun dispersion stats), but it looks like the skin may have prevented increased shell loadout caused displaying of pre-buff stats in garage. I think the installed modpack version was v., but unless changes have been made to Type 59 skin then issue may still persist. As my clanmate has already updated his ammo capacity by starting with mods enabled, we really can't replicate the issue anymore. Is it possible for skins to change in-garage stats? Is there anyone that has Type 59 with 34 ammo capacity and 2.9 s aim time when viewed in garage? Think the skin that he had enabled was "Type 59 > T-54Am Remodel (Milkym4n)" Link to WG (Asian) Forum thread: http://forum.worldoftanks.asia/index.php?/topic/78635-wg-giving-pre-buff-type-59-in-some-gift-boxes/
  19. That's probably right. This thread only started an hour after ASIA server game back from 9.20.1 upgrade this morning.
  20. I don't know if it's related to any particular mod. I installed with every option unselected\unchecked and still game crashes when loading into garage.
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