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request - real dispersion circle !!!hot!!! from forum.worldoftanks.ru

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This mod is not made by me but i wanted to highlight this as a valuable addition into your modpack.


Information (in russian) http://forum.worldoftanks.ru/index.php?/topic/1529130-всё-о-разбросе/page__st__200__pid__43149776#entry43149776

Lastest version: http://wotsite.net/mody-dlya-world-of-tanks/12369-mod-krug-razbrosa-orudiya-dispersioncircle-dlya-wot.html



In patch 0.9.6, developers changed the dispersal of shells inside the aim circle in order to reduce the number of hits. Judging by the reviews of players, some have not noticed any changes, other shells have stopped flying at the target, and the third gun fired even more accurately. What exactly was changed by the developers? they hesitate to tell us in detail.



        "ReplaceOriginalCircle" :  //Replace the original dispersion circle
        "UseServerDispersion" :  //Enable server sync'd dispersion circle  (does not require enabling server crosshair in WOT, and not working in replays)

        "DispersionCircleFile" :    //Use any alternate SWF from the folder gui\scaleform\ as dispersion circle




Edited by m0nstertr4x
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They did tell you, in detail, how the change to the dispersion was done.

The circles stayed the same size, but less shots would go straight down the center of the aiming circle.

Overall, not much was really changed. :)

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Not sure I would see any difference.

My shots land within the aiming circle. Using Deegie's + ServerCrosshair.

There's always a difference between your own aiming and the server aiming, because the server is behind. Depending on lag, it might be further behind.


The cases where people see their shots not landing in their aiming circle, is because of lag, and they don't use server crosshair :)

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I use Spoter with muzzle chaos, if i enable the server crosshair its just too jittery which is super distracting- i play with 250ms :ohmy:

The oldskool server crosshair is just nonsense


If you like deegies, you can use the 'single circle' option and add the dispersion mod as your second circle. 

Ofc the dispersion circle can also do server sync and/or replace the original aiming circle.


anyway, you seem to be unconvinced :)  i wouldnt post it here if its crap, there's serious math and effort behind making this.

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From what I can tell, this mod just adds a second inner circle, showing where majority of hits will end up. The 66% (or so) circle, basically.

Some crosshairs already have this, I think Jimbo has the 2 circle option, for example.

Deegie's show it when fully zoomed in.



Edited by Quaksen
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in short, both have the server sync function for your crosshair but only this mod shows real dispersion circle. 


muzzle chaos

1. sync turret rotation with server 

2. fix crosshair wobble (from stop and go tank movement)

3. sync your crosshair to server crosshair if you enable 'server crosshair' in WOT options. 

The server crosshair will only work for the aiming point, dispersion circle is based on WOT's ingame mechanics. 


dispersion circle

1. show real dispersion circle , either as separate circle or replacing your crosshair.

option: if you dont like the crosshair provided, you can use crosshair_sniper.swf (the aiming circle selected out of your modpack)

2. can sync dispersion and aiming with server (no need to check server crosshair in WOT).



3 minutes ago, Quaksen said:

From what I can tell, this mod just adds a second inner circle, showing where majority of hits will end up. The 66% (or so) circle, basically.

Some crosshairs already have this, I think Jimbo has the 2 circle option, for example.

Deegie's show it when fully zoomed in.




Why dont you just run it with your deegies, and see what it does instead of browsing for pictures.

Its only like 4 files in total, easy to add and easy to remove.

anyway.. this is my last comment on the topic.


as i said, its a recommendation as its not my mod.

take it or leave it :)



thx for the modpack  Aslain

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