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Game won't start with mods installed

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Have tried re-installing modpack, re-installing with 'delete DLC cache' option checked but the game will not load. A few times the 'loading' bar would be at 100% but then not advance to 'authorizing'. Other times the game goes 'not responding' during 'loading' part of start up. I've tried starting the game directly as well as through Game Center. Game loads as it normally would when run in 'safe mode' through Game Center. Game also runs fine when mods are deleted.


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  • Administrator
10 hours ago, therevolvingmonk said:

Have tried re-installing modpack, re-installing with 'delete DLC cache' option checked but the game will not load. A few times the 'loading' bar would be at 100% but then not advance to 'authorizing'. Other times the game goes 'not responding' during 'loading' part of start up. I've tried starting the game directly as well as through Game Center. Game loads as it normally would when run in 'safe mode' through Game Center. Game also runs fine when mods are deleted.

Installed same mods like you have in your logs and no issues with loading. Make sure you are installing the modpack as admin, and also launching the game as admin.

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1 hour ago, Aslain said:

Installed same mods like you have in your logs and no issues with loading. Make sure you are installing the modpack as admin, and also launching the game as admin.

Issue persists even when launching both as admin. Did you read second post in this thread? After I removed those mods again, the game launches and plays as normal.

Edited by therevolvingmonk
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Issue has persisted with 9.1.1 #03 mod pack. Removing Roslich's Side Panels and Custom Battle Loading Screen mods allows the game to start as normal. Note, I am not using a Steam version of the WoWS client.


I have attached markup.xml and USSExpressionsLoader.xml again but this time with the non-working mods installed

markup.xml USSExpressionsLoader.xml

Just for kicks, here's another copy of the XML files after running the game with the non-working mods uninstalled

markup.xml USSExpressionsLoader.xml

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