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KairoKura last won the day on July 28 2017

KairoKura had the most liked content!


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  1. There might be several factors but currently it's all determined by the download servers ISP. if it (Blackbox Servers?) happens to be bouncing client connections so bad that download speeds are limited to approximately 100kbps for users with different ISPs and download speeds then either the devs are paying too little or too much, and should severely look into demanding a fix for the issue or alternative server hosting services
  2. This issue has been reported for almost a month by multiple users, and as it seems its gone unchecked. I doubt Aslain brought his entire server with him to this 'low internet area'
  3. My friends have been telling me to download this modpack for AGES so I finally decided to, picked my settings, and went to download. I have, decent... but certainly not terrible internet. 15mbps~20mbps down (My XBox One pumps out closer to ~30mbps down somehow). But uhh, the installer is averaging 100kbs.... that's infuriating when my download size is 800mg+ (after a drop down from ~1.4gb). Now, of course, I'm not using any other device on my own wifi, I don't have stragglers sucking my bandwidth. In fact, I think it's this server's bandwidth, either you guys haven't paid your bills or you gotta talk about getting an upgrade from your provider.... As I'm typing it's downloading, now I intend to let this finish for now, but for chrissake you need to fix this. If you need more information, let me know, but it's clearly a bandwidth issue on your end. If it's a money issue on your end run some ads on the forum page or something, sheesh... [EDIT] Remaining time; 1 hour, 48 minutes. I guess I'm watching a movie..... [EDIT]
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