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  1. Yesterday
  2. sorry missed your post indeed wn8 was disabled due to bug, no idea when it get back due to the same bug and disabled, we now have a double report, both are YK issues
  3. Just blind 😛 It's around 80% down the list Component number 1296 out of 1670
  4. Hello everyone! Is there no more a mod which automaticallly resets first unsuccsesfull try on personal missions for Obj. 279e or am I just blind? 🙂 Thanks in advance!
  5. It looks like PT version of WoWs changed folder once again: currently WoWs PT binaries are in <root>/bin/8747063 not in <root>/bin/8714637 I tried workaround with creating junction from old path pointing to the new path and reinstalled mods - works fine
  6. i ahve two weird bugs i am not sure how to fix: after the battle, i have two of the same score cards (see screenshot) I used to have wn8 and other stats showing in the report, but it no longer shows. Which mod is that? (second screenshot)
  7. Has anyone else have their game freeze while updating garage after the purchase of the latest assembly shop tank Vickers Mk. 3? I had it happen on me after completing the purchase and during the start up process after closing out the client. It wasn't until I uninstalled the mods from Aslain's Mod Pack that I was able to get into my garage. Once I was able to get into my garage I switched from the Vickers Mk 3. to another tank and logged out so I could reinstall my mods from Aslain's, however after re-installing the mods I went to check out the Vickers tank again, and once again while being in the garage already the game froze once more while "updating garage" after selecting the Vickers tank. So I closed the client again and tried to restart it only to get to the "updating garage screen during the start up phase. I am in closing my log files hoping that Aslain will be able to figure out which mod or mods are creating the issue. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  8. Last week
  9. wpadla szwagierka i ustawila zemoge wejsc nie z launchera a z pliku jako administrator wiec tymczasowo moge poszalec i dzieki za wskazowki
  10. Update Tier 5 L'Adroit (use the same class ship Forbin in AL) This update does not include compressed files.
  11. I have been UNABLE to play today . ONLY CRASHES nothing else I keep getting this , can you at least ask him to look as WOT think this is the problem
  12. Mods not working after latest micropatch that happened today, just an FYI.
  13. sorry for English in this section moved to wot section, was posted inside wows double battle report is not something we can fix at the moment.
  14. could not recreate the issue. so not sure what is causing it.
  15. I had a go anyway, and changed the Toggle to F11. It was still a little hit and miss, but after pressing it a few times I managed to get into free camera mode. So I thought, OK, that works. I then changed the bind from "B" to "F12" to set the cameras back to the tank. Started the replay again, but for some reason the key for toggling had reverted back to F3 again and F123 had no effect. I suspected the XML may have saved somewhere else other than the configs folder, but when I checked it, the bindings were showing as F11 and F12. More investigation required! J
  16. Hi, I have been experimenting with the Free Camera Mod and looked at the Freecam XML file as explained by Theo in a much earlier post. I have translated the keys into a Notepad file to use as a reference: Left Shift and F3 Activate 1-0 Flying camera speed W,A,S,D Move the camera, mouse to look around Q, E Control camera altitude X Lock camera above ground level P Stabilizer, smooth cam Insert & Delete Zoom In and Out V Disable HUD B Locks camera back to your tank again. C Lock camera to a point 360 degree circular I Increase Linear Velocity K Decrease Linear Velocity Z Revert Linear Velocity to Standard ' (apostrophe) Show Gun Marker Numpad 4 Rotate Left Numpad 6 Rotate Right Numpad 8 Rotate Up Numpad 5 Rotate Down Numpad 3 Rotate Clockwise Numpad 2 Rotate Anti Clockwise O Increase Angular Velocity L Decrease Angular Velocity R Reset Angular Velocity to Base Insert Zoom In Delete Zoom Out Keypad Plus Zoom Velocity Increase Keypad Minus Zoom Velocity Decrease F Set Default Field Of View Numpad 7 Increase Target Radius Numpad 1 Decrease Target Radius I have had a run through with a replay and all the keys seem fine with the exceptions some conflicts/issues. The initialisation of the free camera seems a bit hit and miss. I am aware you have to wait until post countdown, but Shift and F3 doesn't always unlink the camera to the vehicle. On occasion if you persevere and just keep hitting F3 it will activate. The key to bind the camera back to the tank is "B", unfortunately this is used in another mod for Arty Sight showing the damage sphere, so does not work in the free camera mod as required. I also use the " ' " Apostrophe key for another purpose due to setting up of controls for other mods. I assume it will be possible to map the keys to another key on the keyboard, which will mean keeping a copy of the Freecam XML file with those bindings and when the Aslain Modpack is updates, just replacing the XML file with your specific bindings? Camera mod is great. I use GEForce to record and then Filmora to edit the MP4 and add voiceovers titles and such. Just getting familiar with Filmora at the moment but should be able to generate some good output. If I wanted to change the Initialisation for example which is currently <toggleKeys> KEY_LSHIFT KEY_F3 </toggleKeys> to say F11. is it as simple as editing the XML file to read <toggleKeys> KEY_F11 </toggleKeys> ? Thanks J
  17. Po ostatnim patchu już był problem, że dostawałem po walce 2 podsumowania bitew, ale żadno nie wyglądało tak jak wcześniej (to chyba brak aktualizacji moda yasenkrasen) a po dzisiejszym mikropatchu doszło dodatkowo jeszcze jedno: po bitwach nie pokazuje się w ogóle okno z podsumowaniem, da się je odpalić dopiero jak kliknę ręcznie szczegóły danej bitwy w zasobniku Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip Edit: po restarcie okno wyników zaczęło się pojawiać ale podsumowanie w zasobniku nadal jest podwójne:
  18. Cant edit 2nd time so here we go.. Only difference is that i chose first time NOT to install shorcuts on desktop and on second time TO INSTALL shortcuts for modpack. Can't be the reason, but i did not make any other change.
  19. damn.... seems you got no luck
  20. After trying everything (Software and Hardware) I was going to remove the water cooled graphics card from the slot and put a low spec card in to see if it was the cause of the crash as it was only happening with WOT. This is after reinstalling Windows from scratch and still getting crashes. I needed to see if I could take the card out and leave it hanging from the cooling pipes without having to do any plumbing. As I was doing it anyway, I took the card out of the slot, pushed it back in firmly, made sure the alignment in the back plane was OK and guess what. No more crashes. It is either coincidence as they installed a micropatch the sane day, or there must have been a bad connection on the PCI slot. This card was fitted by the manufacturer as it was repaired under warranty as the graphics card nickel block cracked dripping coolant on the card, motherboard and all over. So I got a new MB, I9 processor and graphics card under warranty. Good job it was a 3 year guarantee! So next time, reseating the graphics card will be first port of call. J
  21. So after reinstalling game and mods problem was still there ,but i reinstalled mods again without uninstalling them first the problem disappeared. I wonder what happened in this process.
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