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Everything posted by Seabee

  1. Thanks Aslain, as you were typing I did that. See my previous post again thank you.
  2. I think I got it. I used the unins001.exe for Aslain's mod pack. I believe that the new mod pack is looking at the old mod pack components and refreshing and bringing forward previously installed components. (Even though I had always checked the box for clean install) I did a an uninstall with unins001 and it removed all previous loaded versions of the mod pack from the wows folder. I then installed the current mod pack Those items that were greyed out and selected previously were no longer selected. They remained greyed out and not selectable and I do hope to see them back some day. But that is another story for another day. I do hope that the issue that I was having is helpful to some. I do hope to see the Chat by Aslain added back in as I do like to see who is and what ship is chatting in game. I will test in game and update as needed. Again thanks everyone for the replies. To Aslain and all the modders out there please keep up the hard work and thank you for making my gaming experience more enjoyable.
  3. Thanks for the reply Aslain and Quaksen. Is there a way for me to clear all mods and start over?
  4. No I can not untick that box (the one that says' Chat")
  5. OK figured out how to post pics and files for this issue.. _Aslains_Installer.log _Aslains_Installer_CompList.log _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf
  6. Can you tell me how to add the log file to this post
  7. I took a print screen shot of the greyed out box with the check or highlighted selection button greyed out with the indication that it is selected, but I can not upload. To answer your question yes the greyed out mod is checked and greyed out on the checked area also.
  8. yeah weird. I do have the chat with ship names showing up and the text box is out of place and my text are very small. I went back to installer and it is definitely greyed out but it is definitely showing up in game. I tried to unselect it but since it is greyed out I can not.
  9. Hello to all, I currently have mod pack (Note a big Thank you to Aslain and the other modders out there) My issue is with the Mods that are greyed out how do you deselect them. There is an issue with the improved chat. I know that it is greyed out but, it is working in my game and causing some miss alignment of the chat text box. I am unable to unselect it in the installer. Is there a way for me to unselect? Do I need to uninstall the mods totally?
  10. For those that mod and those that use those mods.. There is a Reticle Contest for WOWS. I put the info in the enclosed text document in TXT format. This contest is open to all servers on wows NA,SEA(Asia) ,EU, RU you can also find the info on the EU forum don't know if it is on the other forums yet as I was redirected there from Reddit. For those that will design good luck and I hope to use your design in game. reticle mod contest wows.txt
  11. From what I read on the release notes War Gaming is going to make it more difficult for mods with the WOWS game. But hey don't give up hope nothing is impossible and Aslain is one of the best, so mods will most likely happen sooner than you think.
  12. I see wows is going to release 5.5.0 on the N.A. Servers starting April 27. Looking forward to the rain. I also read in the release note that there are going to be changes to a few ships. The Pensacola gets some armor added. That is great. The IJN line of DDs gets the trops tweaked with along with the Russian line of DDs trops and mains . Note not all the DDs only the ones listed on the release notes. I see that there are going to be in game crosshair selection.
  13. I just renamed the folder in the res_mods folder to and everything works so far.. There is no need to copy then paste. Note I don't use all mods in the mod pack.
  14. Thanks for the reply. The IDS is the new tech tree. I figured it out I changed the port and that opened up the new tech tree.
  15. Hello All, A big thank you for the Mod pack and all the work that has been done to make this happen. I just logged in to the WOWS game today and I have a new tech tree. I did not have this yesterday when I installed the mode pack. I am not overly concerned. It did lock up my game when I kicked on the Beta USS Arkansas. Should I be concerned?
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