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Everything posted by DexterMaximus

  1. Dude I play WoT... Thus, I have no problems at all.... It is EVERYONE ELSE.... They are all NOOOOOOOBS and HACKERS and Blah blah blah! lol
  2. I worry it may never work.... As a gamer, I feel the need to rage and blame!!! As Aslain is a nice guy, I can not really blame him... So instead I will blame Quaksen, It may not have anything to do with you but is it OK for us all to blame you... And wish for a fat Italian/American plumber on acid stamp on you to impress a "slutty" "princess" ? LOL
  3. Is it this one... http://goxwot.blogspot.co.uk/2015/07/99-zj-marker-re-load-build-067-25072015.html As it may not work at all anymore! Should I start to panic ?
  4. So it was one of the other ones doing it. Are the above ones OK then ? As the list you show, seem to be the best... lol
  5. mmm... i am not in china, but i too have an issue... maybe i am in china.... oh dear
  6. Dude.... You should be the official guy! Have you looked here ? http://wargaming.com/en/careers/vacancies/ Dude, your mods are worth the premium time, lol!
  7. official mod list for the RU server http://worldofwarships.ru/ru/news/guides/mods_050/ This might be of help to you aslain.
  8. players panel no longer shows in the over map (press m) I am not even sure if such a thing would be fixable?
  9. I had a suspicion that it may effect other mods! To be honest, I would have done the same as it also buggers up "THAT MOD" that everyone is in fits about. Though I do love the training room mod, and my clan make great use of it.... I find the game a little screwed if I mess with the gui refresh rate! I suspect there may be a way around it, but... WG are pretty clever! They may have other motives behind such connections. A shame indeeed, but I guess it is needed for the most part, I guess that there will be futher hits to useful mods soon!
  10. Does anybody have an idea as to why the gui refresh is needed to make this work ?
  11. I would love this! I am so sick of being TK'd buy DD's, that the other day I actually fired back! Yep I team killed the traitor! Then he raged at me! and the other guy that he actually killed! LOL
  12. After some thought, I can see why this mod may have use's but only in the training room to actually teach new players how to actually aim. Though in the real game, I am really not sure nor happy. I do get the "arms race" of competition and gamer edge, but still....?
  13. Well, It seems there is a new aimbot in town. [edited] This is gonna raise all manor of shit! My first thought, is this is unfair, though I suspect many will be using this very soon! Though at higher tiers, I guess it may actually be of little use, but lower tiers WTF! I am aware that many will never use such a mod, yet it appears that WG are only going to "monitor the situation"...? This does not really bode well for a huge number of players, though I can at least understand why some will want a mod added to you pack. What are your thoughts Aslain?
  14. How do I reset this mod? Can I run the installer, uncheck the box then load the game. Then Run installer again and recheck it. There is a glitch, if I first put a camo net on, it appears that even when I switch for bino's the net will come back. I only ntoiced this today?
  15. I would love many of the WoT mods foe this game.... Many just for the port screen!
  16. I guess everyone is wanting to know about what mods will turn up in WoWS... Maybe we could list the WoT ones that we like and hint to the makers that a similar mod for wows would be nice! Better map stuff for instance! Detected range circle ? Secondary gun / aa range circle ? Maybe enemy ranges on the alt key ? Info about targeted ship (Just above the ammo icons) etc etc
  17. if you mean the wn8 stuff and profit and loss.... I seem to have the same issue. I suspect its a mod thing, I am sure the chap will sort it
  18. I will test some diff mod selections as I suspect that you are right. It is linked to this perhaps? http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/3505-465-autoaim-extended-seems-to-be-glitchy/
  19. - updated Autoaim indication+ (new functionality under T key - repair tracks) This is a cool idea, though there may be an issue as I think ??? that for Many user's that is the target enemy key. Are there any suggestions on this issue?
  20. Hi folks if you have to explain to a mate what mods are watch this! Its pretty easy! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LfYcK247W8 edit This is not me, just a random thing i found!
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