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Posts posted by Knagar

  1. I've just downloaded this installer from this website and it refuses to launch on Win10 64bit. It just locks up the folder it is being launched from.


    I've tried restarting my PC, running it as both admin and a regular launch, along with downloading the file again from both sources.


    I've looked over the forums and no one seems to be having the same issue as me at the moment. 


    Any help would be great, thanks!

  2. Running into the same issue, worked fine until earlier today.


    Closed the game, came back a few hours later and had this issue. 


    Went and downloaded the latest installed, reinstalled.


    Game worked fine, logged out and back in and crashing again.


    Seems to be a persistent issue with a few on the NA servers as a few posts are showing up on the WoT support forums about this.

  3. I'm not opposed to NA getting patches a week before EU, hardly fair that every patch goes to EU a week ahead of NA every time.


    We just need to talk Aslain into going to wot.com instead of wot.eu and using that client to get it updated.



  4. *sad* that i wont be getting my mod updated today, kinda weird how the US got tehres a day after the russian, usually its like a week after EU lol. Now it seems EU is getting it after us for once.


    You could technically download the XVM then search curse and the WoT forums for the others if you really wanted them that bad. Bit of a pain in the butt but if you want mods that bad. lol

  5. I need a retail 9.2 WoT to make a modpack :( I was hopping they release this for EU today, but they didn't so I am without working version of 9.2, anyway it's too late to make it today.


    No rush, was just wondering. I thought I saw a FB post about EU getting 9.2 today. That sort of stinks that you didn't get it.  :(

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