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Posts posted by Demtrek

  1.  I'm also having this issue.

    1- Can't change Field Mod Set-ups during the 30 second countdown.

    2- Can't select tank for a platoon.

    3- Can't close the pop-up screen when you get a Combat Badge upgrade.


    Starting the game in Safe Mode fixes everything, but no Mods are active.   The game was doing these errors before the latest mod pack was released.  So I am assuming there must of been older files still active after the new patch but before the latest Mod Pack was released.


    Seems to be some kinda of Mouse Cursor problem and Overlay not recognizing each other.


  2. For me the little "in game" smaller mods aren't working.  Dmg Done, Dmg Recieved, Stats Panel (spot dmg, spot count, dmg, blocked, stun dmg), Dmg needed for High Caliber, Colored Tank Class Icons below team Hit Point Bar, Win %, and the mini map rings...when my Binocs/Optics engage it shoots the green line out past the white line almost to the yellow line.


    I reinstalled the Mod pack with just the stuff that was working, so I didnt save the info file thingy.  Everything in the garage is working, crew skills, auto return, tanks stats, replay, battle hits, ect...

  3. Im not sure why, but when I install the mod today it is taking like 20 mins to install.   Usually takes 2 mins.  Ive changed nothing.  Also the installer box isnt showing me any information other then what it is currently installing.  The green progress bar is not displaying either, just the short green bars that zip across are showing.

  4. I had this happen last year.  I found not using any mod listed under XVM in Aslains list worked for me.  The Mods in the list that were independent worked, so you lose the player stats and mini map icons but still can use a lot of other stuff.   I remember it did correct itself but I cant remember if it was a WG update or Aslain update that fixed it.

  5. I had this problem too.   I went into my WoT folder then to Aslains Mod Folder and used the "unins000" and it cleared out everything I had forgotten about, then I reinstalled Mod Pak and seems to be working fine now.


    It's back, but I was able to play about 12 games before it happened again.

  6. In Aslains selection menu, drop down to the [Session Statistics] and deselect anything by  YasenKrasen, its not working after 20-30 games are played.  If you restart World of Tanks it will clear the session stats and work for another 20 games or so.  I just use Ragnarocek now, basically almost the same.

  7. Ok after much experimenting I managed to find out, sorta.   Firstly I posted in XVM forums, and they said get rid of all the additional mods and only install XVM.  I did and it worked.  Not being satisfied with loosing all the mods I had I came back here and found that installing either of the Aslain versions (drop down menu at the top of the "choosing mods" box) both fixed the ratings not showing up.  I then picked a few more mods and have managed to keep it working.   As to what mod was causing this problem, I dont know exactly.  It could of been a different in game rating mod, camera zoom mod, damage taken/dealt mod, mini map mod, or night sky mod as those are the one I defiantly got rid of.  Im just sick of experimenting, took a lot of time.

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