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Posts posted by TB12_304

  1. There was a mod, and sorry I can not remember the name, where snow/rain etc would not be present on your "screen" while playing.  


    Swear I've combed through all the choices on "battle display" and can not find it anywhere.  If anyone remembers the name..I'd be much appreciative.

  2. So I figured out my issue and I wonder if it can be changed.  I got a new 27" monitor that plays at 2560*1440 but I enjoy playing at 1920*1080.  When I run 1920, the info panel and detail damage completely disappear.  Run 2560,  they are back.  Think there is a way to make it work on 1920??

  3. Aslain et al


    I see where it looks like you no longer have to "download" files (I suppose) to create your modpack and I just want to say it looks fantastic and runs fast as hell now.


    Good job..keep up the outstanding work....everyone involved in all of this.


    Thanks again.

  4. Couldn't sleep last night so thought I would mess around with different mods and see what I like.  installed uninstalled different camera's, Battle GUI etc, and what I think was ultimately the issue the Arpeggio Hit Effects Everywhere and/or the Application for loading Aslain's installer config app.


    Now I couldn't figure out how to make that run, so I deleted it first, then my problems started.  Maybe it was that, unsure.  Basically every time I would run the installer app to remove mods and then click next to install then, everything would download but it would get hung up on installing files in the res_mods\\alt_hud, gui\flash, and gui\unbound folders. 


    In alt_hud it would not overwrite settings.xml or smoke_generator_timer.xml

    In gui\flash it would not overwrite anything in ml-marker or ml-damage folders or the .swf file

    in gui\unbound it would not overwrite anything at all.


    I tried uninstall Aslain and was able, however I could not manually delete anything left over in the res mod file (which was these 3 folders).  Windows error saying "files in use" and close the program which I could not find what was  running, even after restarting and shut down, reboot.


    Afterwards I redownloaded and installed a few files at a time and chose "ignore" when it said it couldn't overwrite those above files, to retry, abort, or ignore (error or code 5 I believe) until I had all my mods reinstalled.  Game worked fine except I had no TAB key (it acted like the ALT key) and my mini MAP was broken




    Played random battles.  After some time decided I did not like the Arpeggio effects, opened the installer file, unclicked, installed the mods, then everything worked great.  Played a game, no problem, everything back the way it was.


  5. speaking of download, sometimes after picking my mods and going through install it downloads at less than 100kbytes a second and sometimes at 1-2 Mbs a second.  Is that server usage at the time?  I have Fiber internet so speed wise it's not on my end...just curious

  6. Something I noticed since I installed the new modpack...I can not see nor move my Captains to other boats (from reg to premium boat, etc).  Guess I should have taken a screen shot to better explain.  


    Basically, in port, I can select my ship and the Captain is shown, I can select the captain and view his skills etc, but under the captain picture, "from reserve and from other ships" no pictures are visible.  No I uninstalled and deleted everything so I do not have the log files.  I did see when I logged in someone mentioned this in the chatbox.  I was not running session stats, but I did have clear vision and tech tree installed.  Maybe it's them?


    Guess I failed the mention when I uninstalled Aslain, everything was normal.

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