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Posts posted by 3li7e_NGineer420

  1. Sometimes when I use this camera mod, the camera just freezes at a random time. In 3rd person, I can see the ship still moving but the cam's at the 1 location. In scoped, the cam stays scoped. the ship appears to stop but is actually still moving, and I cannot zoom out. What's the problem? I see this happening on T2 Destroyers mostly, but I'm still concerned.




  2. Is it, or will it be, possible to merge the effects of night battles with minimal/big waves as in option 1 of the mod set? It'd be nice to set up the effects of high tide/waves nighttime. (I formerly use big waves before night battles recently, just seeing to combine the 2 effects)


  3. I like using the 2nd GUI layout mod that brings the ship angle (compass elements) and HP bar closer to the center and throttle to the right side of the screen, but is it possible to make a 3rd (or 4th) layout with this AND the compass itself? I had to stop using the mod so I can use the compass again.


    (And sometimes I play with the rotating minimap, either way it's a bit confusing communicating without knowing the cardinal directions)

  4. I've been using this mod for awhile and I do pay attention on British BBs and IJN DDs. Now I see only the Kagero with the skin, and in earlier updates the Orion. Some ships have their artillery "cleaned" but not the hulls. If it does work for others is there a setting I have to put the game on, and is the Ambient Occlusion mod compatible with this?
    Screenshots with the mods equipped: Akatsuki (cleaned weapons only), Kagero (reskinned), Shimakaze (torp tubes only), Orion (guns only)
    (P.S. Mods you can move this post to a similar topic if you can)


  5. I know there's a tech tree mod in the Aslains pack but is it possible to implement these other tree mods? One re-sorts the ship type order and adds Battlecruisers, Light/Heavy Cruisers (Masaru), and another does the tree horizontally (Don't know that creator).
    %C3%81rbol_tecnol%C3%B3gico.jpgImage result for warships horizontal tech tree



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