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Posts posted by dundivin

  1. Is there a mod anywhere or a setting to increase font size slightly?  I know there is a GUI scale setting in Aslain pack, but this I am more thinking just around the font itself. I play on a 3840 x 2160 monitor, and all the text such as in battle chat, messages, XVM Winchance is too small too read when at the optimal viewing distance from the monitor (even wearing my 80cm focal length PC specs). I goggled the topic and someone mentioned changing the preferences file in %appdata% but I believe this is just the same as tweaking GUI scaling in Aslain pack.  It may be non doable as if you change the text size font I suppose it might impact on the icons and general panel functionality.




  2. I use replay Manager and GE Force Experience to save replays and convert to MP4.  However, you only see the battle in replay from the perspective of your tank, and say you had a particular retard in the game you want to put on "The Shittiest Players in WOT" channel I think the only way is to get one of the other players who was in view range of the retard (or unicum if it was a good game) to upload the replay?  I know that there is a command to bind to another tank but not sure if it still needs to be in your view range, and you can't ever see the vehicles on the whole map?






  3. I use the load prog from Aslain to put in the up[dates.  However, I always have to update the battle templates to centre some of the details on a 4k screen.  Not a problem but some other tweaks I make to the install will get saved in the _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf file.  I have searched every folder on my PC and I cant find the file. ?  Should be in the WOT EU folder but not there.  Show Hidden files is enabled.  Any pointers guys?





  4. Anyone else getting issues with BSOD since this 1.23 update?  It's nothing to do with Aslain, as I have tried vanila, safer mode, mods installed, 32 bit version, reinstalled Nvidia drivers for 2080 TI, rolled back Nvidia drivers - same result.  PC keeps crashing Win 11 Pro.  I have even disabled all start up options apart from microsoft essentials, still getting BSOD, even in garage and not even while playing a game.  have even been onto MS support and reinstalled Win 11 with them, preserving apps, still the same.  I have raised a ticket and sent diagnostic with WG so I may get a reply by next Xmas.  This happened about 4/5 months ago.  I did a clean reinstall of windows 11 and had to rebuild whole PC again but that worked.  I will stress, this is not an Aslain issue, it's a WOT and Win 11 issue, but can't believe I am the only one this is happening to?  Anyone have the same Stopcode, Critical Process Failure BSOD?




  5. Just installed 15 update.  I am getting a message at start of battle that the Reticle Dispersion Pro - Your current settings make this mod useless?  I see from the release notes 15 has tweaked reticle dispersion.


    I use the Loadinfo loader so I presume I need to tweak something in the mod set up or the game?



  6. Hi all.  I have recently started making some videos using Filmora, after downloading using Geforce Screen record.  As an aside, just discovered that in a two monitor set up, if you put a low res game replay up to enable better visibility of tank names Geforce will record 15 mins of your desktop on the 4K monitor ..... Doh!! 


    The issue I (and maybe others have) is obviously the tank I was driving is the focus until I enable freecam with left mouse and F3 and then I can move around the map freely.  However, other tanks disappear randomly, and reappear again.  I assumed this was because even though the camera was unbound the render range of the originally recorded vehicle somehow influences what tanks you can or can't see.  But I died partly because of as particularly useless camping Pudel knobber in this game, and the randomness of the Arty AMX F3 continued.


    The Arty player carried this game and got 8 kills, including 3 shotguns on base and was an awesome display which I would like to record for him.  It was his first game in this tank as well.....   


    Anyone aware of any issues/fixes on freecam so I can bind to a tank and make sure it stays visible in the whole game, or is it just not doable with the replay physics constraints?


    Thx tankers.



  7. Another post referenced this issue before that they managed to fix by disabling fog remover.  Just reinstalled Modpack and disabled Fog Remover and Sky tweaks.  Still not working, so different problem this time I guess, although it could be a different feature that is impacting keyboard binding.  I'm sure Aslain will sort it.



  8. Don't know if anyone else has the problem, but tried on two accounts.  Loaded the new Modpack issue 00 today.  Game loads OK, and Modpack is installed because garage and start screens are in accordance with normal Aslain config.  However, on entry into the battle the vehicle is not responsive to keyboard and no keypresses work in terms of controlling the vehicle.  Interestingly I can type as normal in the chat, and the keys can be updated in the controls section of settings, just no response in game.  I guess it could be linked to one of the OldSkool issues on Discord where certain classes of tanks are not working.  I have only tried British Wheelies to date, will boot upo again and try a different tank to see if it a similar issue, and update this post accordingly.


    Thx for good work Aslain



    So tried again with Alecto, same issue.  No movement or fire keys working.  However, additional info is that the F5,F6,F7 are working and again I can type in chat.  If no-one else is having this problem then I am scratching my head.  The keyboard is working fine outside the game, but not in game (Corsair K75).  Hopefully anyone having the same issue will comment.  I may try plugging in an old MS keyboard and see if that makes a difference, but I suspect not.



  9. Thx Theo, 


    I have had a look at the keys in the XML, 


    These ones done seem to be mentioned in the XML, guess they are from a different mod.  Thx for heads up.


    bindToVehicle": "B",
            "showGunMarker": "N",
            "showMarkers": "H",
              "switchLandCamera": "L",
            "switchRotateAroundPoint": "C",
            "setDefaultFov": "F"ey to lock to a tank

  10. I've done a bit of searching, but can't locate the config file for Free Cam in replays.  I have got it set in the Aslain install script, and have a list of keys I foiund on another google search.  I currently use "B" as the sphere indicator in Arty which I use all of the time, but the "B" key in the Free Cam appears to be the key to Bind the Camera to a vehicle?  Is there any way to change this to a different key so I dont change the intent of the "B" key in Battle.  I am aware there is another camera mod which is around and a lot of the keys are the same (Goofy) apart from starting with Caps Lock and F3, which like many I dont use because CL is disabled for the game.


    Keys I currently know about are:


    1-0 flying camera speed. – 
    W,A,S,D - to move the camera, mouse to look around. 
    Q, E or scroll wheel, to control camera altitude 
    X lock camera above ground level (not working correctly)
     P stabilizer, smooth cam 
    Insert & Delete (Zooms In and Out) 
    V disable HUD
    Left Mouse locks your camera back to your tank again.
    C lock camera to a point 360 degree circular. 


    I think these ones may be from Goofy's Med, can someone confirm please.


            "bindToVehicle": "B",
            "showGunMarker": "N",
            "showMarkers": "H",
            "setDefaultRoll": "R",
            "switchInertia": "P",
            "switchLandCamera": "L",
            "switchRotateAroundPoint": "C",
            "setDefaultFov": "F"ey to lock to a tank

    Love the free cam mod, as I use it to look at replays after the game and save as MP4 files using GEForce save facility.  Quite good for clan training as well for the newer players.





  11. So just ran the game in Safe Mode with no mods, lasted a bit longer but still ended up crashing so pretty sure it is a WG issue and not a mods issue.  I suspect that they have a problem with Drivers.  Although I even tried deleting the Nvidia and running it with native Windows Graphic driver but still crashed.



  12. My PC is constantly crashing when in game, sometimes in battle, sometimes in the garage, totally random.  No error message.  Not down to temperature or PC, when I'm not running WOT it is fine.  I have updated Nidia drivers (2080TI) and have even re-installed Windows from scratch, still happening.  I don't think it is anything to do with Mods, and is a WG issue.  I have raised a ticket but don't expect any joy from WG as they rarely respond satisfactorily.  Just for info, if anyone else is having the same issues, it is probably nothing to do with the ModPack.


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