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Everything posted by Glarus

  1. I am unable to change battle types. Hovering over coal and steel look like this: but doubloons, credits and FXP look normal. I removed the mod that shows server population and resources in port, and that fixed it.
  2. I appreciate that WoWs has the "primary ship" label to keep preferred ships at the head of what becomes a very long list for some players, but I would really love to have multiple labels so I could quickly access ships I only play in one game mode. For example, there could be other color labels for "Mark as Ranked only" or "Mark as Clan Battles only." This feature would be handy when you're available for CB, running co-op or something while waiting to rotate into the lineup, you return to port and suddenly it's "are you available now? Join us and hurry to ready up, CB ends in 5 minutes and we need to enter queue!" Since my labels aren't necessarily what another player would want, having say, 5 different labels with custom names would let players define groups that they find useful.
  3. I have MiniMap set to show radar and hydro ranges for enemy ships. When working correctly (using my custom set colors,) it looks like this for a ship with hydro and radar: A ship with just hydro looks like this: A ship with just radar: (this is showing the radar for Yueyang only) US ships show nothing: I do not have it set to show other range rings (detection, AA, etc.) ordinarily, but checked those in the training room and they all work: I checked at least one tech tree ship for each nation with radar and hydro and confirmed they work. ETA: I confirmed the other range rings for U.S. cruisers (Baltimore and DM) do work, not just the DD and Montana. So the extent of the problem is radar and hydro range rings, U.S. cruisers. It may also affect Black, Missouri, Constellation and premium cruisers as well, but I cannot add premium ship bots to the training room to see.
  4. I don't have replays enabled but I'm in a battle now with this, the map is Tears of the Desert. (Edit: sorry, I realize the problem is the sky, not the map. This has happened with a previous update though, it's one of the sky files.)
  5. I also have this issue, but rather than freeze my computer, when I press CTRL it closes WoWs and tells me there was an error. It occurs with patch #04, but not with patch #02, so it's likely one of the mods that was added back for #03 or #04.
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