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Everything posted by Rated

  1. It happens for any tank but I tested it only in Team Training mode, not in random battles
  2. Yes it is not supporting my game client. Could you forward this problem to mod's author?
  3. I checked the config of this mod in game and its options weren't disabled by default. safeShotPro.json
  4. Safe shot by CHAMPi is not working ChamPi.mkv Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  5. It seems that the problem still persists, although I see the blocking notification. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  6. Tech tree for all of the nations except USSR and Germany does not work (like on screenshots) Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  7. UPD: on EU client it is the same. On random battles it is working, on onslaught no.
  8. I am attaching a video example of destroying a vehicle and proof that safe shot at wrecks is not working. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  9. But unanonymizer is working in random battles on RuBy 🙂. I transfered one account on EU and remained to the RuBy with the main one.
  10. Unanonymizer on battle results not working in onslaught mode, although I remember it worked on the start of onslaught. At the same time it works in random battles. @RaJCeL Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  11. Crew experience by Oldskool showing some HTML-like text on crewmate info panel.
  12. Also modpack installer says "No client detected!". Is this also because it is another "incompatible" client now?
  13. For example I unchecked "unspotted notification" option in mod's settings and still in the battles I see that it is present until I reboot WoT client. The same with other options for this mod. Is this a bug? Could you address this to the author? Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  14. Spotted notification in chat is not shown in stronghold battles. All settings attached Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  15. It is showing the same HE shell stats (ones of mine tank) for all the tanks. Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  16. I looked up in changelog and saw this: "- updated Player Panel Pro"
  17. Was the Player's Panel Pro removed from the newest version of modpack because I can not find it?
  18. Here is the difference, I repeat that IT WORKED FOR ME (client default markers) in the previous version of this mod
  19. And is it possible to turn on the default spotted markers with this Panel Pro, because 1 minor version earlier everything was OK?
  20. Here you can check on this video that I did not choose any XVM mods. Showing replay, on random battles it is the same
  21. Enemy spotted markers are not shown in version #08 but everything is fine with #07 version. I mean markers that are default for WoT client without mods Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  22. There is some duplication of displaying battle results with the session statistics by Ragnarocek Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
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