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Everything posted by _Dracarys

  1. since the update this morning, whenever i try to load the post battle stats, it is always stuck on "Gathering Information...". any thoughts how i can diagnose to see if this is related to one of the mods?
  2. everytime i look for a specific mod it feels like im wandering in a huge super market looking for a specific item. is there a search bar where i can search for key words?
  3. Will the mod that auto mount equipment l work for on slaught? Meaning if I pick a tank after the game starts, will the mod mount the equipment when I make the selection?
  4. trhnkas I must be super blind. could you tell me which section the colored damage stickers are under? Or better yet take a screenshot?
  5. Hello, I am looking for two mods, i am not sure if it's in the modpack (i could not find them): 1. Paint ball mod that shows where you took hits as paint ball markers. 2. a better commands panel that shows more commands (right now the default panel only shows four including reload, SoS and something else...) Thanks!
  6. sorry but there is no direct answer to my confusion: does this mod automatically demount equipment? i was able to get it to mount equipment when i select a tank...
  7. I have WoT+: how does the equipment auto return mod work? Does it help me in demounting / remounting bounty equipment? I enabled this feature on a tank, upon playing and finishing a game, the equipment (standard) is still on the tank?
  8. thanks for the response. Could you tell me what odes it mean by "highlight" a tank? i remember there was a mod where i can right click near an enemy and it would lock on. is that mod no longer available?
  9. I downloaded the modpack and installed AutoAim Indication+, but how do I use it? The description says "will auto lock on enemy after highlighting him with mouse", what does highlighting even mean? Also the option has AA tries to lock for: X seconds - what does that mean? does it unlock the auto aim after said time? I tried using this mod ingame and it doesnt do anything as I anticipated: i used to have this auto aim mod where you can right click near the enemy vehicle and it would lock on, perfect for auto aiming enemy behind a rock or something.
  10. hi @Aslain, when will get the mod back that allows us to hide Campaigns/Naval Battle/News, and show Ranked? I really miss that mod 🙂
  11. YES THATS CORRECT! i guess we will have to wait then?
  12. Hi, i used to use a mod from the pack that allows me to show which things I want to hide. For example, campaigns and naval battle. How come I dont see that mod anymore in the next aslaind mod pack? I want to see Ranked....
  13. thank you - i have updated the UI Scaling.
  14. @Aslainmy resolution is 3840 x 2160 and UI scale is 200%.
  15. the font is super large when i installed the damange received mod. any way i could change that?
  16. thanks aslain ill look for it.
  17. Is there a "Damage received" mod available in the aslain mod pack? I Saw one in a youtube video: https://imgur.com/a/zlwSVeZ
  18. currently i have to press ALT to show the time for my shells to reach a target, when I aim. Is there a mod to always show that in Aslain'd mod pack? For example, 9.5 seconds...
  19. so it's a temporary bug? looking forward to the fix 🙂
  20. Hi, not sure if i have encountered a bug. However, I have Aslain's side panel installed (the one that shows HP etc). In the options, there is a checkbox to show Ship Info, upon clicking it, I was hoping to see ship concealment numbers, but there is nothing shown. Anyone know how to fix this?
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