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Posts posted by AdamLog

  1. I'm sorry for asking something so little and unnecessary, but for years I've been using a mod which made the dealt damage number float up above the tank. I really want to get that same setting back and I hope it exists in Aslain's Modpack. The closest one I found was the "Alternative Vehicle Markers (OTM without XVM)" setting with the AVM default. However the - before the number is quite annoying for me, and it's weird because it's not even on the preview image, and it's just something different than it was for me before. Maybe I have to combine it with other settings? I actually found a quite big YT channel called "World of Tanks Best Replays", where the same exact one is used. The only reason why I'm making this post is because I looked through the entire list in the installer multiple times without success. Again, it's not super important but I appreciate help! :)

  2. How can I quickly update the mod if I want to keep my previous settings and every other separately installed mod? Also, how can I change my settings in the modpack, do I have to go through the installation and restart the game every time? For some reason every time I launch the installer it says .14 is out even though I've downloaded it already.

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