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Everything posted by vito74m

  1. HI ALL New ambient noise, a modification amending more than 75% of the original ambient sound during the battle. New sounds are realistic sounds of ocean waves, and not just the wind like the original :) --------------------------- UPDATE 1v1 - ready for WARNING: This mod need "Audio Quality set to "High" INSTALLATION Before you copy, please modification from the "RES" copy the entire folder "AUDIO" to "res_mods / and only after this operation, modification paste audio ... If the folder has already been copied, this operation is unnecessary, then immediately paste modification. ------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD -------------------------------------------
  2. vito74m


    Just unpack and paste all content 0.5.x.x to ur 0.5.x.x :)
  3. update GunSounds (1v2) 28-10-2015
  4. VITAM Modyfikacja ReShade (ulepszona wer. SweetFx) ma na celu poprawić grafikę w grze. Te ustawienia, poprawiają jakość cieniowania, saturację, poświatę, i ostrość tekstur, oraz symulują większą liczbę wyświetlanych kolorów niż monitory LED czy LCD są w stanie wyświetlać (DITHERING) zastosowanie opcje. HDR LUMASHARPEN LIFTGAMMAGAIN TONEMAP VIBRANCE CURVES DITHER ----------- Całość jest ustawiona tak by minimalnie uwydatnić głębokie odcienie niebieskiego oraz zielonego koloru (+4% niebieski / +2% zielony) Wyostrzenie textur daje bardzo wyraźne detale okrętów i nie tylko. HDR oraz dwie inne opcje razem powodują większe "urealnienie" otoczenia, oraz lepsze cieniowanie. --------------- WAŻNE - By uzyskać najlepsze efekty graficzne ZALECAM wyłączenie efektów POST-PROCESINGU w grze. (lub ustwić na minimalne) Setting efektów post w wer. WG nie wygląda najlepiej i robi prawie bajkowe efekty graficzne... Oczywiście modyfikacja działa z każdym ustawieniem tego efektu, i ewentualnie można stosować inne ustawienia, to tylko moja propozycja ---------------- INSTALACJA Po rozpakowaniu modyfikacji należy uruchomić plik "ReShade Setup.exe" i podać ścieżkę do pliku "EXE" gry, czyli (WorldOfWarships.exe) Jeśli wszystko zrobimy jak trzeba program zainstaluje ReShade do folderu gry (w główny folder gry) po czym zobaczymy napis "run aplication" Poprostu zamykamy program... Po standardowym włączeniu gry już przy wczytywaniu menu logowania zobaczymy info o załadowaniu się bibliotek aplikacji (górny lewy róg ekrany) Info znika automatycznie po około 5s. Aplikacja domyślnie będzie się włączać razem z grą, natomiast w trakcie gry samodzielnie możemy ją włączyć lub wyłączyć wciskając klawisz "Scroll Lock" -------------------- Modyfikacja i sam mój setting NIE wpływa na wydajność gry ! Poniżej w spoilerku zapodaje fotki z lewej mod w akcji z prawej oryginał z gry. Zaznaczam jednak, że fotki nie są w stanie oddać prawdziwych zmian jakie widać po włączeniu modyfikacji w grze Włączcie sobie i zobaczcie jak teraz wyglądają detale w grze ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POBIERZ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FOTKI
  5. VITAM ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ *** Modyfikacja przeznaczona dla dorosłych graczy ! - niektóre komentarze załogi mogą być odebrane jako wulgarne (bo takie są) *** ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Tym razem podjąłem próbę nagrania polskich głosów dla załogi naszych okrętów. Zamienione zostały WSZYSTKIE nagrania które są odtwarzane gdy wchodzimy w interakcję z okrętami wroga... Musicie mi jednak wybaczyć, ale mimo wkładania emocji w nagrywanie sampli, w samej grze nie jest to odczuwalne jako realnie wyrażane emocje w sytuacji bitwy morskiej... Mimo wszystko myślę, że jest OK. Przyzwyczajenie robi swoje, więc trzeba chwilę pograć by się "wczuć" w nowe głosy --------- Niestety w (wwise) co bym nie robił jakość FX audio w grze zostaje bez zmian, lub są znikome. Aktualnie nie wiem gdzie jest odpowiedzialny plik za te ustawienia w grze.... --------- Sama modyfikacja działa OK i jest przetestowana na aktualnej wer. gry. Głosy Załogi w opcjach audio proponuję POGŁOŚNIĆ o jakieś 25% !!! --------- UPDATE 1v1 - Zmieniono jeden komunikat torpedowy. Naprawiono błędny komunikat o zatopieniu sojuszniczego lotniskowca, gdy zatopiony zostaje lotniskowiec wroga... --------- INSTALACJA Przed skopiowaniem modyfikacji proszę z katalogu "RES" skopiować CAŁY folder "AUDIO" do "res_mods/ a dopiero po tej operacji wklejamy modyfikację... Jeśli folder audio już wcześniej był kopiowany, ta czynność jest zbędna, wtedy od razu wklejamy modyfikację. ---------- Miłego testowania ********************************************** *** POBIERZ *** **********************************************
  6. HI ALL ( This time I took to be the icon of ships ... Icons ships have a new look and a few other ingredients. DESCRIPTION Each icon ship received a bump map. Added background (choppy ocean) Added the current flag. Added nr. tier. Added star premium. They are colored by Type: Pale red - Aircraft Carrier Pale brown - Battleship Pale green - Cruiser Pale blue - Destroyer ------------------ I must admit that color refers to what I've always done, I and others with the colors of the icons of tanks to the game WoT --------------------- UPDATE 1v3 add Polish Destroyer VII Tier Premium !!! "Blyskawica" --------------------- DOWNLOAD SHIP ICONS PHOTOS
  7. HI Working with wer game The modification replaces the original tracery missiles at a more meaningful and varied. Key Features: Launched Missiles of our department have a different color as the rest of the bullets. Missiles from enemy and allied ships have altered the color scheme, so as not to confuse them on the fly with our missiles. Tracers missiles consist now of the color front and rear flares, the colors are designed to help you to identify the type of projectile (AP / HE) In addition, the slightly revised trail of smoke behind tracerami ... ---- The second part of the modification reduces the "saturation" in case of damage to ships, so that when battles were not "blackened" on black. Who wants to fine tracery please see the new fire salvo "mmb" middle mouse button. UPDATE 1V5 - Less visible damage on the ships! UPDATE 1V6 - Improved the overall quality of all Tracers, slightly changed the color scheme for all graphics settings the game ... ------------------------------------------------- DOWNLOAD -------------------------------------------------
  8. HI ALL Adjusting for wer game The modification improves the quality of each component of the battle interface. ------------------------- New look for the interface control ship. New look for boxes with prizes for unique achievements in battle. New look for the "frame" symbolizing the burning of our ship. -------------------------- UPDATE 1 Changes the appearance of all the "perks" of skills. UPDATE 1A Fixed appearance of active "perks" on the commander. UPDATE 1B Fixed appearance of the chest with prizes, when it is illuminated. UPDATE 2 Fixed all component icons ships in the tree technology. ------------------------------------ The color green with details - module tested / installed. Gold color - moving the mouse cursor. Brown color - selecting the audited / installed / inactive module. The color blue - module ready to explore. Red - check module ready to explore. ----------------- *** DOWNLOAD *** -----------------
  9. HELLO I present my new crosshair game ... "GoldSpider" is a very precise version of the crosshair, even in FHD is displayed over the entire width of the screen. I added scale, but without unnecessary digits denote nothing, and only obstructs views. Gold horizontal line is the axis point at which we aim, and not, as in many cases - this line is below the axis of sight. In addition, it has a 4 diagonal lines, they will facilitate the tracking of ships flowing differently from perpendicular to the axis of our ship. The lines are black, so as not to distract our attention, and when we'll need, are sufficiently prominent ... The viewfinder are included MARKERS department specially calibrated precisely to "GoldSpider" As in the previous version of the crosshair, also in this "rangefinder" was adapted and integrated into the whole graphics .. ------------------------------- DOWNLOAD ----------------------------- SCREEN
  10. vito74m


    HI ALL ! Working with wer game 0.5.x.x The modification not only changes the color of the ships, but also sharpens and highlights all the details of ships. The techniques to improve the quality of details, and improves the appearance of bump map textures, while not affect the performance of the game ... Textures lifeboats or department, they will not be changed, so that will always be more visible in ships (differences in color) --------------- The modification continues to evolve over time, or from time to time I will add new skins for ships ... ------------------------ "Phoenix" - DOWNLOAD photo "Omaha" - DOWNLOAD photo "Cleveland" - DOWNLOAD photo "Kongo" - DOWNLOAD photo "Fuso" - DOWNLOAD photo "Błyskawica" - DOWNLOAD photo
  11. HI ALL A small modification amending frame which displays up when our ship on fire. *** DOWNLOAD *** -----------------
  12. HI ALL The modification improves the appearance of the icons that assemble of accessories as improving our ships. *** DOWNLOAD *** -----------------
  13. HELLO The time has come for the mini-maps Matched alpha channel (transparency) so that during the game the water with minimaps not obscured at 100% of the ocean battles I added a frame each minimap to make it easier to figure out the location, whether it's ours or the enemy. All grounds not received a transparency, but significantly improved their quality ... ---------------------- *** DOWNLOAD *** *** DOWNLOAD *** old parchment (stary pergamin) -----------------
  14. HI ALL This time I took the sounds of guns !!! The quality of the sounds of gunfire has been improved by adding new FX shots and additionally applying effects were "hissing work after fired" or better audible tracers up to the sounds imitating vibrations acts or the ship after putting a shot !!! ---- In general, the modification changes the sound of major department and auxiliary To avoid drastic changes right away original sounds have always been left, and they just add new FX ... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE 1V4 - Improves 57 new sound effects. 54 sounds for auxiliary artillery, and 3 sounds for launching torpedoes ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING: For this mod You need set "Audio Quality" to HIGH !!! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ INSTALLATION Before you copy, please folder from the "RES" copy the entire folder "AUDIO" to "res_mods / and only after this operation, modification paste audio ... If the folder has already been copied, this operation is unnecessary, then immediately paste modification. *********************************************** *** DOWNLOAD *** ***********************************************
  15. HI ALL ! The modification improves the quality / color of more than 80 icons displayed during battles. Added bump map to all modified icons. Modification does not affect the performance of the game. Version --------------- LIST: Updated HP bar to better stats were visible under the ALT key. Improved quality of icons arson and flooding our ship. Improved (plus) icon to detect our ship. Improved quality of icons (markers) our and enemy ships. Improved quality of all the icons accomplishments (hit, flooding, sinking the enemy, etc ...) Improved quality Flag bases. Improved quality compass. ---------------------------------------- UPDATE 1 Fixed a marker for enemy torpedoes. Fixed icon alerts the proximity of enemy torpedoes. Fixed the hit marker in our ship. Improved quality of icons missiles and torpedoes in the Battle panel. -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------- UPDATE 2 Improved detection icon positions of our ship! Fixed markers panel reload guns. Fixed icons enemy aircraft. Fixed an icon of our ship, on the minimap and battle panel. Fixed ships type icons for the menu. -------------------------------------------------- ---------- UPDATE 3 Fixed icon works loaded on the compass. Fixed focus icon section on the compass. --------------------------------------- UPDATE 4 Fixed icons fire and flooding our ship. Improved quality of all the icons achievements (added chiaroscuro, and the label approval achievements) Changed compass. --------------------------------------- UPDATE 4A Improved color scheme of the ship on the compass icon. They changed the shape of guns on the ship compass. -------------------------------------------------- ----------- UPDATE 4B Fixed markers for allied torpedoes. -------------------------------------------------- -------------- UPDATE 4C added icons types of ships for "squadron" -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- UPDATE 5 Improved marker distant enemy torpedoes. Changed dynamic icon, indicating "target within Destruction" -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- UPDATE 5a I changed the appearance of the icons successes (torpedoes hit the ship and aircraft, destroying the ship and hitting the citadel. These achievements have now also received the star. Screenshots at the bottom ... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 5b Changed the icons of enemy planes, and have been increased by ten pixels. Several small improvements in markers of taking over bases. Now acquired by our base is in blue - after the acquisition is green ... ------------------------------------------- Update 5c Change the color of icons enemy aircraft ... -------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Update 6 Changed reload department stripes are now wider. ---------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 7 Enlarged markers torpedoes. Add icons aircraft at enemy aircraft carriers. Changed the icon of detection by enemy planes. ------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE 8 Our reconnaissance and patrol aircraft are now marked in blue. -------------------------------------------- *** DOWNLOAD *** ---------------------------------- UPDATE 7
  16. No problem;) Good luck in battle;) ASLAIN can add the relevant info about the requirements in the installer ... *Remember, using XVM should be excluded additional information on the minimap in the game options!
  17. tomash - ma racje, pisalem o tym z administracja, Nie ma czegoś takiego jak zakazane modyfikacje, proszą jedynie o niestosowanie modyfikacji ktore daja znaczna przewage nad przeciwnikiem.. Zakazane mody to legenda wymyslona przez graczy :D Co nie znaczy, ze nie mozna zarobić bana za uzywanie jakiejs modyfikacji :) To cos jak robienie qpy w autobusie :D tez nie pisze nigdzie, ze zakazane, ale nikt za to Cie nie pochwali :D
  18. WAŻNE Aby moja wer minimapek działała poprawnie WYMAGANE jest ustawienie jakości tekstur na MAKSYMALNA. inaczej będzie problem opisany wyżej!!!
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