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  1. I have played around with camo auto equip for a couple of weeks. Well, all versions I have tested seem to be shaky at best. Over the last two months I usually lose my camo settings at least once every two weeks. Sometimes this happens because the mod simply doesn't do its job but most times it can not equip camo because its configured camo is currently unavailable because it is still in combat. Overall I hate the situation: for my german line i have like 50 camos in total but only 6 of type 1, 9 of type 2, 12 of type 3 and so on so it is rather easy to run into "camo is in combat". I am looking for a camo mod which does not return a specific configured camo but "just the next free one". I really do not care about optics, I just want the 3% camo boni. Anything? or at least a more stable camo auto equip?
  2. Relax. Who cares. Here is why: Using common mods should not get you banned. I consider Aslain pretty much cannon for this decision. Should one still get banned: Then the game is flawed and is not worth being played anymore. When I do no longer play two of my friends will no longer play. If those two do no longer play some more might stop playing. Wargaming will not starve from losing a couple of paying customers and their €100 per year so I do not even feel bad about that. I just take my money somewhere else, eg Warthunder, ARMA, Path of Exile, Warframe etcpp.
  3. My personal solution: stop playing while the dust settles. This way you do not get banned and do not have to play without your favorite mod. Then check if playing is still fun. There is only one Mod I am really gonna miss: AutoAim+ coz is was pretty comfortable to use but overall had little impact on outcome. Reload Timers were fun but honestly useless for most enemies. What does the following mean: "Software that enables the automatic use of non-Premium consumables"? Everything else: Who cares....
  4. See attached logs, all in one archive. I just reinstalled Patch 10 with full config wipe, no change. I think I should split this in two reports, I tested both seperately with a full config wipe each: 1. Auto Telescope does never work. I remember it never needed any setup but was removing and adding stuff upon changing tank. right now it does neither. The attached log python+Aslain_logs-Auto-Telescope.zip is from this setup. 2. Auto Equipment (i am using the XVM version) seems prone to forget settings but I think this a problem deeply in the idea behind Auto Equipment: If e.g. all my camo nets are in battle and I select another tank with camo net there is no camo net to add so the slot stays empty but this then the empty slot gets saved for this tank as "default". But wait, it gets more complicated, sometimes this even happens when all camo nets are available - not sure why and when this happens but every 10-20 battles this does happen... Two possible solutions: a) Try harder removing and adding stuff and double checking if setup is what it is supposed to be. b) Simply workaround: Warn if adding or removing of a module failed. This is most likely something to solve by the author of the mod coz it is some inner workings. See python+Aslain_logs-Auto-Equipment.zip for details. python+Aslain_logs-Auto-Equipment.zip python+Aslain_logs-Auto-Telescope.zip
  5. The Auto Telescope Mod doesn not work for me. I used it one or two years ago coz it was more reliable than the alternatives. Right now I am using the XVM Equipment Auto Return instead but it seems to be a lot more unreliable than the Auto Telescope Mod, failing to auto return every 10-15 tank changes and usually I forget to doublecheck and enter battle without equipment.
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