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  1. I wasn't able to change a mission, select any mission, or improve result. I thought "couldn't be a conflict with Aslain's could it?" Restarted in safe mode, no problem. So the modpack breaks that - somehow.
  2. It took awhile, but I decided that since this path you gave me includes "Roaming" you must be talking about a registry setting. My game install directory has no path anything like that. My registry (win 7), doesn't have anything like that. I have a file damaglog.xc under J:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain, and I tried renaming that to make it re-create, that had no effect. I also tried editing some x/y values I found in the file itself for damage log, and that had no effect as well. I went back to thinking about editing the file and was looking at this: "lastHit": { "$ref": { "path":"damageLog.log" }, "x": -120, "y": 200, I thought "hmm, x index is negative, what if I flip that flag to postive? BINGO, back where it should be, well, visible anyway.
  3. I accidentally drug mine to a position where the damage taken is now off the screen, how do I make it visible again, what do I edit?
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