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Everything posted by PepperGator

  1. Thanks for the confirmation. I guess if players need that help to feel good about themselves so be it. :) I have only been playing about six months, and from what I can tell my stats are coming up to spec, slow and steady, a happy pace for me. The 'aim-bots' you describe are roughly the scripts I was imagining must be out there. Ah well, to me it would make the game easier and would probably no longer be enough of a challenge to play. Not using one though, I will grin a bit more at smacking those that do. On a side note, as soon as I read your description of the bots I instantly remember hundreds of times that I have been harassed by tanks who never miss modules, shoot like varmints on the prairie were a common things in youth, or seem to auto-plink me when I look around a corner. All in all, not bad I guess, with reason I would say that I have seen that behavior in less that 10% of players.
  2. Do you ever find that block shooting at wrecks/allies is sometimes a hindrance? I flicked the wreck half of that on for a day or so and found even when limiting the trigger block to the minimum time if my crosshair brushes a wreck, I wait than accidently brush the wreck again it becomes more of a hindrance than a help? Maybe the method I used wasn't the most intelligent. :) I just found when a fast tempo mixed with burning teammates occurred I had a hard time 'unlocking.' I did want to add one thing to my earlier mod confession. The aiming help I use targets center-mass, so it is useful only as far as keeping your turret slung in the right direction, but unless you enjoy expending rounds on rocks it doesn't really improve accuracy. I have seen some players who seem to have lock + extremity targeting. Something along those lines that allows them to plink you if you even stick a pinky out! :) I would consider that a bit unfair; but I am not one to whine at the inequities of life. I am just curious if my theory of the existence of such a mod is correct.
  3. I think in this regard I am protected by my reluctance to adopt anything new. I like to sit down after everything in my day is complete, click and go. So unless I am seriously frustrated by something I just go along my marry way. I use a different contour, a simpler one with large arab numbers, quick look for type and tier. I use a hit log, mostly out of morbid curiosity. I so use the aiming tool to allow me to lock behind objects, that one actually makes me feel a bit like a cheater, but it is in line with lazy play. I use the multi-row carousel and object size reduction, again a lazy thing to get as many tanks visible as possible without being too cluttered. Auto login, Duke Nukem voice pack, latency values in hanger, distance circles (View, 500) and session stats. That's all that comes to mind at the moment. I would have to agree with you that many of these poor souls are handicapped without their trusty mods, and that it was quite hilarious. I played 12 games before Aslain released, 11/12, including two tanks that I notoriously get my ass handed to me in. Imagine all the tankers, playing a game for free. You might say I am a dreamer, I need not blame anyone, Why don't you all come join me, and play this game, just for fun.
  4. On a side note, relevant to the form and function of the Aslain modpack. I am still cracking up over this. When 9.14 was pushed and the servers came back online. There was a period of time in which many W.O.T. players, some I have known to do well, became as easy to kill as a one legged baby seal. Coincidentally, or maybe not coincidently, there was a time in which gameplay returned to 'normal.' Oddly enough the time in which normality returned was shortly after Aslain released his comprehensive 9.14.00 package. I wonder why. :) Actually I don't; however, it's a great demonstration of how many use this mod pack as well as how many depend on it!!
  5. Gratitude Aslain! I can't even begin to imagine how hard you work on these mod packs. It boggles my mind that you produce such a great product without any strings attached. No forced donation, no begging, just hard work and a great product...... Like I said, 'Mind Boggling!' Thank you for all of your efforts, in my book you certainly qualify for a donation happily and freely given.
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