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  1. Incorrect - the numbers are there [but faint] and I was referring to the red & white circular horse silhouette
  2. I want this to be true, and hopefully it is! Exciting!! This is indeed the forum to which I was referring. Under the "Mini Map modifications that passively provide information to the individual player without the use of active teamwork" the stipulation "Enemy FOV (Turrent Direction) Indicator" got me alarmed. Please run this by WG directly for confirmation, because I would love to have & use this mod.
  3. Minimap Tankview Extended. I found @ http://forum.worldoftanks.com/index.php?/topic/339063-policy-on-prohibited-modificationsthat there's a screenshot specifically showing that this is a banned mod. It's the last "spoiler" and you have to hit teh button SHOW to see it
  4. I think it's beyond extremely important, considering the number of mods in the modpack, that ILLEGAL mods be labelled as such at least as a warning so that innocent players won't get themselves randomly banned for no known reason because they didn't have a opportunity of knowing that they were playing illegally on the North American server.
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