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Posts posted by HockeyPhool

  1. I just installed v9.14.40 WoT modpack, and noticed this problem while reviewing installed equipment in my garage.

    I first examined the equipment installed on my E-75, and when I clicked on the the first equipment slot I was able

    to see the complete list of compatible equipment. However, when I switched to my FV201 (A45), the first slot displayed

    vents but the popup said the slot held a rammer. The second slot displayed the icon for a rammer but the popup said the

    slot was empty. Likewise the third slot displayed the icon for GLD but the popup said it was empty. Also, when I clicked

    on the empty slots I did not see the popup list of available equipment so I couldn't install new items.

    I checked a couple other tanks in my garage and found the same problem.

    After gathering logs, I reinstalled 9.14.39 and checked various tanks in my garage. In every case, the correct equipment

    icons or empty slots were displayed, the descriptions matched the equipment, and I was able to click on the slot and see

    the popup list of compatible equipment.

    Attaching log files (from the problem and after reinstalling 9.14.39) and screenshots (30-32 showing problem, 33-36

    showing the correct behavior).












  2. Hello Aslain,


    Would it be possible for you to maintain a list of links to the source sites for the mods you include in your modpack? Occasionally you add a new mod that sounds interesting and I would like to go to the source to learn more about what it does. I don't expect you to completely document each mod, but I haven't been able to find some of the mods when I search for them myself.


    Thank you!


  3. As I said, I do use the preview but, just seeing a picture (as in the case of this particular mod) doesn't really tell me a lot about what it does. Sure, I saw the different crosshairs but if changing the crosshair is all it does, what difference does it make? How do you mean "more accurately" target a specific spot?


    I can't recall the default behaviour in this case but doesn't the game show you a cursor by default when ctrl-clicking the minimap?


    EDIT: Does that square depicted on the image represent the extent of your view when clicking or is it just "fluff"?


    First of all, do you play artillery? If so, do you know how to use CTRL + rightClick to aim your gun using the minimap ? (I ask only because you've said you're fairly new to the game.)

    This mod helps you aim more precisely using the minimap. The images in the preview simply show you examples of the different crosshairs so you'll know which button to tick in the options dialog. The default behavior without the mod is the same, but instead of a crosshair you only see your normal pointer. Does that make sense?


    Well, specifically, I don't like the available options for server-crosses (white/green/blue/fancy blue) and I would like to change that one specifically. I'm not sure I want a server-cross though, seeing as there's an option to synchronize server-cross to turret-cross.

    I have not tried the mod that synchronizes the server-side crosshair with the client view. I do use the server-side crosshair, and I'm happy with the 'fancy blue' crosshair. I did a bit of exploring and found the configuration file:


    This mod uses preformatted DDS image files for the crosshairs. If you want to change the crosshair you'd have to create your own DirectDraw Surface object. I have no idea how to do that, but it seems possible. You'd edit the configuration file to provide the path to your own image. Otherwise you can change the scaling factor of the crosshair, and control whether the server crosshair, Flash (default) crosshair, or both crosshairs are displayed in each mode (arcade, sniper, strategic). There are other parameters in the configuration file that you probably should not modify unless you create your own crosshair.

    You have another option in relation to Aslain's modpack. If you find another modification that you want to use but it's not included in the modpack, Aslain has provided a way for you to install the mod with his installer. Look in your WoT folder for a folder named 'Aslains_Custom_mods'. Inside is a README file that describes how to set up a custom mod for installation. That way, if you find a different server crosshair mod that you like, you could still install it with Aslain's installer.

    If I've completely missed your point, I apologize. Otherwise, I hope this helps you in some way.



  4. Ok, so I'm enjoying this modpack but there are some things that are kind of annoying me.


    First of all, being rather new to modding this game, I have no clue what some parts of the mod is actually doing in comparison to the original game functions. I've been using google to try to find the included mods separately but even then, some of them give rather unsatisfying descriptions.


    Particularly this one:

    Artillery sight on minimap

    What does it do/change compared to the default behaviour?


    Train Wagon Mods

    I understand what they do so far as changing the train-carts to become more visible but how does it differ from the default settings? I'm currently using the one by Webium


    Second issue I'm having is that I don't know if the installer remembers my previous settings or not.


    Third issue is that I can't seem to find a way to change only one aspect of the mod. If the installer rememebers my previous setting this is a moot point.



    Great mod however and I'm loving it.


    Thx a lot!

    Hello HerbertNimble,


    Yes, the installer does remember your selections from one install to the next, provided you don't delete the file "_Aslains_installer_options.inf" from your WoT installation directory.


    I realize some of the mods' description are vague, but have you tried enabling the preview window in Aslain's installer? In many cases you can see a visual representation of what the mod does. You can enable the preview in two ways:


    1. In the first dialog box, check the "Enable the image/sound preview by default" box
    2. In the options dialog box, press the "Show descriptions" button at the bottom.


    For your specific mod questions:

    Artillery sight on minimap: This mod allows you to customize a minimap crosshair for SPGs allowing you to more accurately target a specific spot on the map when using right-click to shift your aim. This is a good time to use the preview so you can see the different crosshairs that are available. (NOTE: in order to see the options you need to click on the top-level 'Artillery sight on the minimap' option.


    Train wagon mods: These mods change the skins on train wagon models to make them more visible (especially the flat cars that are dull brown - players often run into them). Webium simply puts diagonal yellow lines on the flat cars; Locastan's mod colors the tops of the flat cars yellow, and MAS629's mod skins all the train wagons to look more realistic and colorful. (I use MAS629 myself).


    I'm not sure I understand your third question. If you want to change an aspect of a mod but the installer doesn't offer an option to do so, you can often find and edit the mod's configuration files. Unfortunately there is no one standard location to find the configuration files, nor is there a standard config file format. Most mods use XML, but there are some that use JSON. Some mods don't have configuration files at all.


    I hope that helps.



  5. I've been using XVM's Equipment Auto Return ever since AutoTelescope stopped being updated regularly.  Up to this point it has worked flawlessly. However, in the current version of the modpack it does not automatically mount equipment on tanks I purchased since installing the modpack.


    I have checked that the data file is present in %APPDATA%/wargaming.net/WorldOftanks/xvm/auto_equip.  I even restored a backup copy of the file with no effect.  I mounted a camo net and binocs on my SP I C, played a battle, then switched to my Hetzer.  I mounted the camo net and binocs on that TD, then switched back to the SP I C.  The equipment was not mounted as it should be.  However, if I switch to other tanks that had that equipment before this update, the equipment is properly mounted.


    I double-checked 'hangar.xc' and verified that 'enableEquipAutoReturn' is true.  I also verified that I selected 'Equipment Auto Return' when I installed the modpack.  I'm attaching my python.log and modpack installer files.



    • Upvote 1
  6. Thank you!  I wasn't aware of this change in XVM.


    @Aslain - would you make this the default in your configuration?  





    I use Aslain mod pack.


    To fix it go to "World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm\Aslain" . Edit "battleLoading.xc" and "statisticForm.xc". I use notepad++ to edit it


    the end of two above file is

        "removeSquadIcon": false,
        "showBattleTier": true

    edit it to

        "removeSquadIcon": false,
        "removeVehicleLevel": true,
        "showBattleTier": true


  7. I'm seeing the same thing. I read elsewhere in the forum that it's a WoT bug, not a modpack bug.  I tried enabling and disabling that in the WoT game settings but it did not fix the issue.


    Hi Aslain,


    I don't recall this occurring before with previous modpacks.  On the battle loading screen the tank tier in roman is appearing over the tank name.  This is only occurring on the battle loading screen.

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