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Everything posted by HerbertNimble

  1. I'm also getting this issue on I'm going to install the latest update and see what happens. It's not like it's a huge bug but it's something..
  2. I know but it's acting weird and the documentation in general regarding RM (not just the new one) is sketchy..
  3. My shower-nozzle is spraying all over the place, I'm using the latest patch too, any ideas?
  4. Yeah, the inlcuded Radial Menu mod is rather annoying to be honest and editing it is a pain as well. The old system was much easier.
  5. Previously it was possible to have the damage panels angle indicator by SkepticalFox without the repair panel on L.CTRL but now it's not. Any chance of getting the option to have the angle indicators without the repair panel popping up in the middle of the screen again?
  6. So I checked the box to install the radial menu mod in the latest update ( v9.17.1 #14) and I went on to try to find the files for it so that I could replace it with my own, custom radial menu setup. I just cannot find the files now. They used to be in the folder "res_mods \ version \ scripts \ client \ gui \ Scaleform \" but that folder doesn't exist. So my question is: Where is it? Did Aslain change the location? Edit: Never mind, I saw now that Radial Menu Mod was removed again further down..
  7. What contour icons have you selected? Some contour-icons are actually not silhouettes but, as you describe, boxes coloured by tank type plus some additional info inside.
  8. No, I'm currently not editing DDS-files. I've converted the above maps from the dds-format to be able to open them in Photoshop. The only app that I have currently which is able to open dds-files is paint.net but I don't really like that program too much.
  9. Ok, so what always annoyed me about those maps earlier was the colour-scheme as well as them not being in the new style of maps. So here's an example of how I'd make them myself, any ideas and opinions are appreciated. I'm trying to keep the colours somewhat in-line with the new maps as I don't want it to stick out too much. Only problem is that I'd have to find a decent colour that fits all maps which doesn't look good.. The lakeville-map above has a brown tone whereas the karelia-map below has a reddish tone. to make it stick out from the otherwise rather brownish tones on the map itself.
  10. I'm talking about the "new" style of minimaps that they started to add with the 9.15 update last year. See the attachment. I would like to find them in as large a resolution as possible but it's hard to find online since most mods use the old style and websites like wotbase use them only as preview images. When you click the high-res links it shows the old style maps.
  11. Thank you, the new design of the minimaps, do you know where they are available perhaps?
  12. Does anybody know how reliable those terrain resistance-maps are? Where does the data come from that they are based on? Who made them and so on.. EDIT: Also, anyone know where I can find the new minimaps in a nice clean format?
  13. Ok, so this isn't as much a request to Aslain as it is a request to the regulars here. A while ago I had a mod that changed the minimaps to minimaps that showed the ground resistances (I realize now that it might not be called ground resistance but something else) on the different maps. I just can't seem to find it anymore. Anyone know this mod and where to find it? I would like to actually make my own minimap images based on them. Just for fun to see how it turns out. Never mind, I actually found them myself. http://wotbase.net/en/maps/ /Herb
  14. So I just had the no engine-sound bug. I haven't installed any mods whatsoever regarding sounds as far as I know. _Aslain_logs.zip python.log
  15. I second that, looks like a neat little mod.
  16. Well, seems I was overly complicating things.. // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). // ?????? ??????????? ??? ????? ?????? (??????????? ????????????????, ??. macros.txt). "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/default.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/none.png'> <font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%-13.13s~..}}</font><font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan%-s}}</font></font>", // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). // ?????? ??????????? ??? ?????? ?????? (??????????? ????????????????, ??. macros.txt). "formatRightNick": "<font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font> <font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%13.13s~..}}</font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/none.png'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/default.png' width='16' height='13'>", // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). // ?????? ??????????? ??? ????? ?????? (??????????? ????????????????, ??. macros.txt). "formatLeftVehicle": "<font color='{{c:t-battles|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle}}</font> <font face='Consolas' size='11'> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> </font>", // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). // ?????? ??????????? ??? ?????? ?????? (??????????? ????????????????, ??. macros.txt). "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='11'> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{kb%-2d~k|--k}}</font> </font> </font><font color='{{c:t-battles|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{vehicle%-s}}</font>", That code seems to do the trick for the most part but I'm still not satisfied with the clan-tag placement. I would prefer to have it in a column of its own but I'm fine with the result as seen in the screenshot below.
  17. Well then I have to assume that the tabstop tag doesn't work properly on the statisticform.xc because the following code produces the result seen in the screenshot.. "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/default.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/none.png'> <textformat tabstops='[1,4,8,12]'> <font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%-13.13s~..}} <tab> <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font></font></textformat>", There's definitely not just one pixel between the name and clan in the image.. ..and it's not even aligning up either.. Never mind the rest of the statistics, I decided to go back to the default config by Aslain until I could figure out how to properly format the fields the way I want them. Only the left side uses my own attempt at formatting. Perhaps I'm overcomplicating things but I'd really like to have the clan-tags in a separate column.
  18. So I tried this: // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see macros.txt). // ?????? ??????????? ??? ????? ?????? (??????????? ????????????????, ??. macros.txt). "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/default.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/none.png'> <textformat tabstops='[1,4,8,12]'> <p align='left'> <font color='{{c:r}}'> <font size='13'> {{name%-15.15s}} </font> <tab> <font face='Consolas'> <font size='10'> {{clan}} </font> </font> </font> </p> </textformat>", So I fiddled around with the tabstops a bit but it doesn't seem to work. Iäve changed the numbers in the tabstop part to different numbers but it doesn't seem to change anything. So the tabstops-property is the one I want to manipulate to get the text fields properly aligned but I don't understand the numbers [1,79,1,54].. They represent pixels? If so, why is there two number ones? Shouldn't there just be one number per tabstop at increments that are increasing? For example: [1,50,100,150] or am I not understanding it correctly?
  19. Can someone tell me how to use these functions: // X offset for "formatLeftVehicle" field // C??????? ?? ??? X ???? ???????? ????? ????????? "vehicleFieldOffsetXLeft": 20, // X offset for "formatRightVehicle" field // C??????? ?? ??? X ???? ???????? ????? ??????????? "vehicleFieldOffsetXRight": -20, // X offset for allies vehicle icons // ???????? ?? ??? X ?????? ????? ????????? "vehicleIconOffsetXLeft": 20, // X offset for enemies vehicle icons // ???????? ?? ??? X ?????? ????? ??????????? "vehicleIconOffsetXRight": -20, I'm trying to get the Vehicle Icons to be aligned in the same way on both sides but it doesn't work to do what I did in the snippet above. EDIT: Could I use something like this for the alignments? // Display format for the left panel (macros allowed, see readme-en.txt). // Формат отображения для левой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. readme-ru.txt). "formatLeft": "<textformat leading='-16' tabstops='[1,79,1,54]'><p align='left'><tab><font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{vehicle}}</font><tab><font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>[HP: {{hp}}]</font><\p></textformat>", // Display format for the right panel (macros allowed, see readme-en.txt). // Формат отображения для правой панели (допускаются макроподстановки, см. readme-ru.txt). "formatRight": "<textformat leading='-16' tabstops='[40,25,50,30]'><p align='left'><font color='{{c:hp-ratio}}'>[HP: {{hp}}] </font><tab><font color='{{c:xwn8}}'>{{vehicle}}</font><\p></textformat>" Source: http://www.koreanrandom.com/forum/topic/14973-hp-ears/#entry178317
  20. "formatLeftNick": " <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/default.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/none.png'> <font color='{{c:r}}'> <font size='13'> {{name%-15.15s}} </font> <font face='Consolas'> <font size='10'> {{clan}} </font> </font> </font>", So after some more digging and trying to figure out this stuff, if I change the name section to the above {{name%-15.15s}} the names should be displayed up to 15 characters and if the name is shorter than 15 characters it should get filled to 15 characters. I'm thinking this has something to do with the alignment of the clan-tags and give a "neater" result? I'm going to do some changes and try a replay but the problem with replays is that they don't show the pre-battle loading screens but nevertheless, I can check the formatting on the statistics tab.
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