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Posts posted by BattleHook

  1. is there a way to incorporate "Hawg's Clan War Map Builder" into Aslains mod pack ?

    I Like Hawg's idea, but I hate it needs his xvm mod. I like Aslains mod pack (which alows my own customisation) a lot more.

  2. 4 hours ago, Aslain said:

    Are you installing anything extra over my modpack?

    Custom mods in Custom_mods directory. But I do not want to upload it here since TS API-key is in tesu_mod.ini file

    the mods.zip is to large.


    I'll try to clean it up by deleting the mods and re-install.


    I will let you know if this helps.

    thanks for your help sofar :)



  3. The Second World War. Day after day (guns and engines) don t load.



    python.log shows:

    2019-05-06 18:59:52.708: INFO: [SL_PRO] Skipped Script: mod_banksloader.pyc
    2019-05-06 18:59:52.708: INFO:
    2019-05-06 18:59:52.709: ERROR: [EXCEPTION] (<string>, 596):
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<string>", line 584, in _findValidMODs
      File "scripts/common/Lib/importlib/__init__.py", line 37, in import_module
      File "scripts/client/gui/mods/mod_BanksLoader.py", line 8, in <module>
    ImportError: cannot import name curCV

    _Aslains_Installer_Options.inf python.log

  4. 22 hours ago, Ress said:

    At first glance I thought that the XVM minimap option for showing icons of destroyed vehicles on the minimap also would violate the new rules. But then I reread the sentence where it states "on the playing field", which is not the minimap (I assume).

    Can you confirm whether this is a correct assumption ?

  5. Hello fellow tankers,


    I adapted the xvm file of the normal caroussel in order to create my own usefull overview in choosing the right tanks for battle.


    Maybe if you think it is usefull for you I have attached the xc-file


    Have fun,


    See u on the battlefield :)






  6. Hello Aslain XVM Mod Pack Users,


    today I read the Wargamings Fair Play Policy they posted on their website today. See here for their post.


    Using certain mods might result in a permanent ban (if you are still using them after a 7 day ban).





    Mods that do provide a gameplay advantage, one that we think is bad overall for the game. These are classified as a cheat and are illegal going forward.

    Listed below are modifications that fall into this third category. Players that are found using them will receive a penalty.

    - Mods that reveal the position of enemies in a way not included in the vanilla client, by marking objects destroyed on the map and minimap in real-time, by altering the display of shell flight tracers or calculating the position of enemy SPGs with tracers and marking them, as well as those that keep spotted vehicles displayed, even when you aren’t aiming at them

    - Software that makes it easier to block an enemy’s shell by indicating their exact aiming point, for example, with a laser beam

    - Modifications that alert you when spotted vehicles are reloading or show enemy vehicles’ reloading timers

    - Auto-aim or so-called “aimbots” that provide more functionality than the “aim lock” in the vanilla client, specifically including those that aim at the enemy's weak spots and/or lead the aim automatically so that a cheater can focus on maneuvering their tank

    - Software that enables the automatic use of non-Premium consumables

    - Mods that aid in finding enemies by letting you adjust the transparency of objects on the map

    - Software that leaves “ghosts” of enemy vehicles on the battlefield, placed where they were last detected

    - Mods that actually alter the physical properties, performance characteristics, or effects of any vehicle or object in the game, or subvert the game rules



    Most of these I would also consider as providing a gameplay advantage, but there are a few I doubt whether some mods fall within the description as listed above.


    1. How about the autoaim bot in the current Aslains Mod Pack 9.16 #35 :  AutoAim Indication+  0.9.16 ? It provides an aim-lock like in the vanilla client, although it is easier to activate (you do not need to exactly light-up the target). Is this considered as more functionality ? It does not target weak spots, it does not lead the aim automatically.
    2. XVM makes it possible to mark destroyed tanks on the minimap. A tank is not to be considered an object ? Are they referring to, in my belief  illegal mods that show on the minimap where fences and trees are destroyed and thus reveiling anemy positions ?
    3. How about mods showing enemy vehicles’ reloading timers ? This is something you normally (can) do yourself already. And the timers are only indicative and surely not exact since they do not take crewskills and equipment into consideration (or do they ?).


    I am curious how all of you think about this or what your interpretations of the above mentioned list are.


    Thank you in advance for your insights and thoughts on this matter.


    Meanwhile GL&HF on the battlefield.


  7. No, it would overcomplicate the things in the installer. 


    Can you see these icons anyway, some people reporting missing clan icons so.

    Yes, I can see the clan icons.


    What I have done know is download the updated clanicons once. Put them in a separate folder and after running the Aslain Installer I copy the files to the appropriate folder. I have automated this proces by using a batch-file. Saves a lot of download time every time to me and also puts less weight on your serverload ;) Maybe you can put the clan icons in a separate folder and have your installer check if they are there first before trying to download them ?

  8. The list I do understand I have put below:


    Key = Value


    1 = 2
    2 = 3
    3 = 4
    4 = 5
    5 = 6
    6 = 7
    7 = 8
    8 = 9
    9 = 10
    0 = 11
    Q = 16
    W = 17
    E = 18
    R = 19
    T = 20
    Y = 21
    U = 22
    I = 23
    O = 24
    P = 25
    A = 30
    S = 31
    D = 32
    F = 33
    G = 34
    H = 35
    J = 36
    K = 37
    L = 38
    Z = 44
    X = 45
    C = 46
    V = 47
    B = 48
    N = 49
    M = 50
    F1 = 59
    F2 = 60
    F3 = 61
    F4 = 62
    F5 = 63
    F6 = 64
    F7 = 65
    F8 = 66
    F9 = 67
    F10 = 68
    F11 = 87
    F12 = 88
    F13 = 100
    F14 = 101
    F15 = 102
    MOUSE0 = 256
    MOUSE1 = 257
    MOUSE2 = 258
    MOUSE3 = 259
    MOUSE4 = 260
    MOUSE5 = 261
    MOUSE6 = 262
    MOUSE7 = 263
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