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Everything posted by selek_7101

  1. Glad to see you're back and hope that all is well. Speedy recovery!
  2. Just an FYI: Modpack v6.3.0.1 #06 ported into 6.4.0 without any issue. I just needed to rename the subfolder in Res_Mods. I'm running the following elements without trouble: YAZM, Compass Elements #1, Golden Premium Consumables Icons, Minimap by Autospy, Lights of New York Port, Black Sea Anniversary Port, Jaws Theme #1 Torp Warning Voice, Texture Based Ambient Occlusion, Gun Calibers in Inches, Fog Remover, Anti-Glare (Sunglasses), Better Compact Icons, Extended Tech Tree, Training Room Enabler, Clear Vision, Ship Movement Indicator, Port In Navy Blue Color, and Replay Enabled. One quirk I noticed today (and I believe is independent of the modpack) was that my gunfire sounds were much quieter. Easily fixed by ramping up the volume in Settings.
  3. Hi All! I've tried installing the Master Ports Collection several times in the past as Aslain's has released different updates. I've never been able to get them to properly install through Aslain's installer. They DID, however, load correctly when I used GoldPile's native installer. I wonder if this is related to the problem with 1) large files and 2) incomplete zip downloads.
  4. Hi, Twinkie. This isn't an official answer, just my experience. I've noticed in the past that the installer will hang while downloading the zip files, and then give up- with the result that the installer will deliver only partial (ie, corrupt) files, yet continue as though they were complete. The only "fix" I've found is to run the installer again (with fingers and toes crossed, and after sacrificing a virgin chicken on All-Hallows-Eve) to get the complete files. Good luck.
  5. As noted above, the root of the problem appears to be getting a whole (uncorrupted) port_Nagasaki_550.7z file (as downloaded by the installer). Once I got an intact download, it loaded correctly. But it took eight tries to get that file downloaded without interruption/corruption.
  6. As a follow up, I ran the installer again and paid closer attention. The separate Nagasaki Port download crashed three times before giving me a "download complete" message. The download seemed to hang up about 30 seconds in each time I hit reset. Download rates varied between 1.5 to 1.7mb/s, but still crashed each time.
  7. Good Morning! Ran the installer twice to be sure I hadn't missed anything. The Nagasaki Port mod is not working. It defaults to the anime port. Possibly related: When loading the Lights of New York Port mod, I got a download failure notice twice. I did not notice one when installing Nagasaki, but may have missed it. _Aslain_logs.zip
  8. Just so you won't have to completely reinvent the wheel for the 0.5.7 update: So after some experimentation, I can verify the following mods from work just as they are (you still need to rename the Res_Mods folder to access them): Nagasaki Port Enable Replays Better Compact Icons on Carousel Torpedo Warning Voices Minimap Mods (specifically, the version by Autospy) Damage Counter+In-Battle Clock Fog Remover (Major Renegade) Arpeggio Torpedo Effects Another player (OutTooLunch) reports that the following are working for him: Ship Contour Icons [DLC] by Aslain Aslain's regular Gun marker shapes marker #8 (by m0nstertr4x) Mods sharing hud_lib.swf file Combat interface "Black Citadel" v4 - Chain Loading screen Squad (by Mebius_LW) Login screen video [DLC] Login Movie Disable show Montana picture Cruise control More visible cruise control (by Mebius_LW) Achievments Transparent unobtained achievments (by Roktaal) Colored Borders Of Maps red borders The main problem mod(s) appear to be: Yet Another Zoom Out Mod (and likely the Zeiss mods as well) Training Room Enabler Fog Boundaries (causes the client to crash with a memory error) Custom Battle Loading Screen (Hangs up on loading) Clear Vision (Major Renegade)- (causes grid pattern to appear on sea and terrain) It's been suggested that the Better Compact Icons is causing a conflict with Camouflage, Signals, and Flags- but I had that mod active both with the conflict and without it. Thanks for all your work on these mods. It's greatly appreciated.
  9. Would it be possible to include a utility which allows the player to modify the names and images of the ship commanders? Thank you in advance.
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