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Posts posted by SFC_Storm

  1. 6 hours ago, satto said:

    i have the same. i tried to find a rule that is doing it, but no luck. happens randomly.

    SO I know its not random, as ot seems to me its when my internet is struggling or overburdened.


    I think it simply isnt connecting at the point its trying to check the stats and here in the config are the parameters on when to upload.




    Normally it is only set to "Onpythonchanged" meaning entering games. So I added onconnectionchanged, hoping it would clear it up and force a new reload but it hasnt.


    But there is good news. I got an older version that im going to try to see if I can mix into one.

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  2. As of now the only one that has the very valuble stats and W/R is a super plane players panel with ugly icons etc.


    Also for me this mod doesnt grab stats sometimes.


    I really need someone to make an aslains version with stats. I mean all it is is this code.


    <!-- PYTHON -->
                <textfield x='280' y='1' width='40' height='19' update='onConfigLoaded,onPythonChanged,onConnectionChanged'>
                    <text><![CDATA['<TEXTFORMAT INDENT="0" LEFTMARGIN="0" RIGHTMARGIN="0" LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="$WWSDefaultFont" SIZE="13" KERNING="0" COLOR="'+ (pythonData.all_rate>1850?'#CC00CC':pythonData.all_rate>1400?'#00B9B9':pythonData.all_rate>1000?'#4CC112':pythonData.all_rate>750?'#FFDC00':pythonData.all_rate>600?'#F56914':'#FF3232') + '"><b>' + pythonData.all_rate + '</b></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>']]></text>
                <textfield x='250' y='1' width='40' height='19' update='onConfigLoaded,onPythonChanged,onConnectionChanged'>
                    <text><![CDATA['<TEXTFORMAT INDENT="0" LEFTMARGIN="0" RIGHTMARGIN="0" LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="$WWSDefaultFont" SIZE="13" KERNING="0" COLOR="'+ (pythonData.all_wins>70?'#CC00CC':pythonData.all_wins>60?'#00B9B9':pythonData.all_wins>58?'#4CC112':pythonData.all_wins>50?'#FFDC00':pythonData.all_wins>49?'#F56914':'#FF3232') + '"><b>' + pythonData.all_wins + '%</b></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>']]></text>



    Here is the code that is added in and shows stats. And here is the file that has options on how to code it.



  3. Basically the player panels with Stats and w/r only work 2-3 battles.


    I really need someone to make an aslains version with stats. I mean all it is is this code.


    <!-- PYTHON -->
                <textfield x='280' y='1' width='40' height='19' update='onConfigLoaded,onPythonChanged,onConnectionChanged'>
                    <text><![CDATA['<TEXTFORMAT INDENT="0" LEFTMARGIN="0" RIGHTMARGIN="0" LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="$WWSDefaultFont" SIZE="13" KERNING="0" COLOR="'+ (pythonData.all_rate>1850?'#CC00CC':pythonData.all_rate>1400?'#00B9B9':pythonData.all_rate>1000?'#4CC112':pythonData.all_rate>750?'#FFDC00':pythonData.all_rate>600?'#F56914':'#FF3232') + '"><b>' + pythonData.all_rate + '</b></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>']]></text>
                <textfield x='250' y='1' width='40' height='19' update='onConfigLoaded,onPythonChanged,onConnectionChanged'>
                    <text><![CDATA['<TEXTFORMAT INDENT="0" LEFTMARGIN="0" RIGHTMARGIN="0" LEADING="2"><P ALIGN="LEFT"><FONT FACE="$WWSDefaultFont" SIZE="13" KERNING="0" COLOR="'+ (pythonData.all_wins>70?'#CC00CC':pythonData.all_wins>60?'#00B9B9':pythonData.all_wins>58?'#4CC112':pythonData.all_wins>50?'#FFDC00':pythonData.all_wins>49?'#F56914':'#FF3232') + '"><b>' + pythonData.all_wins + '%</b></FONT></P></TEXTFORMAT>']]></text>


    This is the code that updates the playerspanel. Can you please make a cooler looking players panel aslain? Also it will fox the problem maybe.

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  4. It does many things. It 2x`s DPS on the plane/Group you select as well as force the gunners who are out of postion on 2nd battery to hold there fire till they have a shot on him.


    This means as the plane flys over it gets focued. Remember the waist gunners cannot shoot everything and if they blow there wad at a out of range group they dont fire at perfect range vs the target you wanted.


    ALso guys remember this as well for DD`s you want dead. WHiwlw you cant do the exact same thing, it will make your guys hold fire for that target.


  5. Docks.xml is very complicated, OMG.


    I tried but it seems to be all non static info. So rather than just p;ugging in onfo it all changes based on what you input.


    SOmeone could run a program that shows you where each file differs line by line and you could merge the docks as someone said. Or we could ask the modder of the better icons to explain to us "Advanced" modders the rules so we can figure it out on our own.

  6. On 6/3/2016 at 9:44 AM, Mulligey said:

    Is there a way to get the Yet Another Zoom Out mod and Smoke Screen Rings to work together? Since I drive DDs a lot, smoke screen rings would be very helpful, but I can't stand the field of without the zoom out mod. Does anyone know of a way to make both of them work together?

    The easiest thing is to take the standard cameraconsumer.xml from res directory and add this line...




    This is a very far out zoom. Basically a level of FOV 1 is normal so FOV .3 I made is 3x zoomed out. I love it and now barely get hit by torps etc.


    IDK what he does in his zoom out mod that conflicts, maybe a button binding but this would work.


    Here is my camera mid if you want it, it has 30x zoom and super zoom out.




    I am not a super exper just an advanced modder who makes his own when needed. If there is a camera specialist I`d love to talk to him about adding higher angle camera mods.

    • Upvote 1
  7. Is there anyone here good at coding who can tell me if we could create a Overhead reload mod like the one in WOT?


    That would be amazingly valuble, you could turn just as the enemy was loaded, and in WOT as long is it isnt actual reload time its legal.


    TBH there are so many cool WOT mods that WOWS could benefit from.


    Hell for newbs Hitskins would be awesome, and since you never aim right at the target it just reminds the newbs where to aim.

  8. On 6/4/2016 at 0:14 AM, Aslain said:

    That mod is abondoned, and nobody recreated it for current WoT version for very long time, I think we'll never see it again.

    Update on this. I started this project going with Elementsof Progress, well TBH I just bugged him a ton till he started to re-write it. Its in the works but 9.15 came.


    This was singly the most important mod in game for many tanks like T59, IS6 and many others who rely on angling.


    Also if you guys know any coders or anyone in chooh for python etc, I used to find buddies in my comp classes to get them to do WOT mods for school projects and it worked great. I have source for the armor compass if someone wants it.


    A;so this could be added in so many more cool ways, one being warships but also I customized mine to used the weakest part of shown armor, so if someone wanted to a make a dmgpanel/compass where it turned red when you were exposing a weakpoint, that would be a hugely popular mod.



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