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Posts posted by RichterEX2

  1.  Okay, even if you turn off XVM completely in the installer it still puts XVM into the mods folder. Meaning it puts the ugly watermark on the screen and you can't even use esc to get out of the game. I unchecked what I could, but the "xvm colors" settings was locked to where you couldn't uncheck it at all. Anyways, could you have the installer not install XVM at all...at least until XVM gets its crap together?

  2. Max Farplane is nice, but without fog it kinda ruins the immersion as the fog that was supposed to hide the map borders isn't there anymore. Could you add an option to have both Max Farplane, and Fog? Didn't know you could have just one or the other until I tried OMC's.

  3.  Since Zayaz's is gone, there really isn't much to fill its void. Shooters is gone from Aslan's as well. I would've suggested Rabbit's instead, but it too isn't yet working in 9.8.1. The only one left in Aslan's uses a rather horrid font, and just takes up too much space in general, covering up other mods I use near the ammo panel.


     I'm just wondering if are there any decent ones left that actually work?

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