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Everything posted by sergo

  1. takie mody sa nielegalne. Dostepne miedzy innymi w ********
  2. someone else's business

  3. Give a try to XTF... it is way better than G.
  4. good 1... just come and say hello before you start spamming shout-box :)
  5. jak cos to udostepnie ci ten brakujacy pliczek... to duzo nie wazy po spakowaniu 7zipem EDIT north america maja numery 44 i 45 wiec na bank cos namieszales... najpierw patchs zassij jak nie pomoze to daj screena z errorem. dowod: </Path> <Path>./res/packages/39_crimea.pkg</Path> <Path type="hd">./res/packages/39_crimea_hd.pkg</Path> <Path>./res/packages/44_north_america.pkg</Path> <Path type="hd">./res/packages/44_north_america_hd.pkg</Path> <Path>./res/packages/45_north_america.pkg</Path> <Path type="hd">./res/packages/45_north_america_hd.pkg</Path>
  6. all what you need to do is copy all from 0.9.8 to folder but for some people working on files is a big mystery m8 so aslain need to do make it as simple as possible for hundreds of thousands users of his modpack. Aslain is working on it and i believe he will get the solution fast.
  7. kto by pomyslal ze to bedzie takie proste do naprawienia :)
  8. Zamiast konturowej ikonki ktora chce miec mam standardowe ikonki czolgow (jak wybieram opcje vehicle name to dziala dobrze jak contour icon to niestety mam klopsa jak na screenie) Tak mam ustawione w instalatorze (wczesniej wszystko dzialalo w wersji 9.6 zaczely sie problemy): _Aslain_logs.zip python.log
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