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Everything posted by Tankker76

  1. I have the same issue with IS7 and when im dead. Could some 1 that has korean account report this to them. _Aslains_Installer.log python.log
  2. Thank you Now working like charm.
  3. Hi Eu 1 mirror has poor DL for me. It starts over 900 kb/s but soon(about in 1 min) dies around 160 kb/s speed so usually been using EU2 mirror but now it only generates following error (EU2) It was lightning fast. But getting the mod is the main thing and I get it from the Eu1 slowly but in 15/20 mins I get it from there.
  4. Hi Problem bout masheene infopanel not working. If I install it separately it works but from the installer not. The error have begun in the 9.15.23 version what I can recall. python.log _Aslain_logs.zip
  5. Hay Wooot thought that it will be implemented in the 9.16 as them zoom options. But thanks I gotta look the settings more carefully.
  6. Hi It it possible for that mod to return in the installer. I am so used to the scroll wheel blocker when entering the sniper mode and there is none now :(. Oh the sadness ;(.
  7. So It's not enough to disable mod's but you have to buy a PREMIUM tank too!? FUCK WG FUCK GAME FUCK FUUUUUU..... :lol: :lol: :P :P #sarcasm
  8. Could you tell what did you remove from your selection for there is another player that has the same error.
  9. Hi Seems like you have the same error as described http://aslain.com/index.php?/topic/4924-permssion-denied/ You could ask for simonmar for detailed info. He says he solved it but what he didn't install it dosen't say.
  10. Hello Have you disabled the "Enable expanded minimap features" option. That give you double minimap names if its still on and you install aslain's mod pack. Lined in red in the picture.
  11. Hi Well the Python.log only shows that there are no mods to be installed. That is why empty resmods folder. Pleace - attach file _Aslain_logs.zip and python.log (both located directly in WoT folder). Might tell more why no mods to be found.
  12. Hi Im having the same issue as FemurUY. The odd thing is that meltys crosshair shows in replay but not in live game. My clan mate said that he got version 4.5.13 and melty works good. Installed the mod with out melty and the normal crosshair is working. _Aslain_logs.zip
  13. Also there was a bug in XVM that caused CTD. They(XVM) fixed it already but WOT 9.9 still cause random CTDs. Typos gotta luv em
  14. Hello There was a Bug in XVM that caused the CTD problems. But aslain has released new version that has updated XVM and removed not working mods. Still if u get CTD its most like in the 9.9 release that crashed. For more 9.9 problems read here http://ritastatusreport.blogspot.fi/2015/07/16072015-q.html
  15. Hi I'am using the wizard's contour icons from your installer. There is a bug with 1 contour icon. OBJ 704 it always gives your contour icon instead of wizards icon. thx for nice installer.
  16. I really support this mod. So many times clicked enemy tank and was so unsure did I got the aim on or not, cause I rarely use headset if I play during day. But this mod is still on beta stage. Hoping that the maker will get it to work. Thx for sharing this mod.
  17. Hello Could you add this little mod to the package. http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/391916-092-xft-minimap-coordinates-font-colour-02-08-2014/
  18. It really dosent matter if arty is aiming at tracked tank or not. Like Scorpiany said when arty re aims at the tracked tank it will have tracks fixed and will be moving. So arty has to evaluate every shot. And usually miss when I am shooting but if I am shot at then every time its a HIT...
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