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nana last won the day on October 15 2018

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  1. Solved. Apparently INPUT requires "bin\xxxxxxx\idx". I was confusing this as part of the -x option. A valid test command in ASIA server: D:\Games\World_of_Warships_ASIA>wowsunpack.exe bin\2697511\idx -l -p ..\..\..\res_packages
  2. Hi, I downloaded the latest WOWSUnpackTool (ver2.0.1.57) from here: https://forum.worldofwarships.ru/topic/123043-all-wows-unpack-tool-распаковка-ресурсов-клиента-игры/ and successfully unpacked resources with that. But it failed with wowsunpack command line. It seems that the syntax is slightly different from the sample on the above page. D:\Games\World_of_Warships_ASIA>wowsunpack.exe -h usage: wowsunpack.exe INPUT (required) [OPTIONS...] INPUT (required) input folder --list, -l output INPUT contents --extract, -x unpack INPUT contents --output OUTPUT, -o OUTPUT a directory to unpack files into appropriate DEST. Will be created if does not exist --include INCLUDE, -I INCLUDE process only contents matching the appropriate DEST --exclude EXCLUDE, -X EXCLUDE process only contents not matching the appropriate DEST --packages PACKAGES, -p PACKAGES relative path to packages So I tried the following commands and more but all resulted in errors. Please tell me how to use it. D:\Games\World_of_Warships_ASIA>wowsunpack.exe res_packages -l ERROR: Can't open package file system at: D:/Games/World_of_Warships_ASIA/.\res_packages\ D:\Games\World_of_Warships_ASIA>wowsunpack.exe D:/Games/World_of_Warships_ASIA/res_packages -l ERROR: Can't open package file system at: D:/Games/World_of_Warships_ASIA/res_packages D:\Games\World_of_Warships_ASIA>wowsunpack.exe D:\Games\World_of_Warships_ASIA\res_packages -l ERROR: Can't open package file system at: D:\Games\World_of_Warships_ASIA\res_packages
  3. This error has occurred when installing. I always edit both paths.xml files (in bin32 and bin64) but that caused this error. ModPack seems to get a client version from paths.xml in bin32 folder. Fortunately I don't use a 32-bit client, so I can get around the problem by restoring that one. I suggest you to reference gameinfo.xml to get a version for reliability. cf. my editted paths.xml <root> <Paths> <Path>../res_mods2</Path> <Path>../res_mods/</Path> <Path key="*****" type="PFS">../res_packages</Path> <Path key="*****">../res</Path> <Path key="*****" type="DLC">../res_dlc</Path> </Paths> </root>
  4. 2 infotips are displayed when I move the cursor on the ship icons. Aslains_WoWs_Logs.zip
  5. I join his discord server and check #modpack-wows channel.
  6. and Image Preview in installer isnt enbled either.
  7. show default arc. thanks your hard work! Aslains_WoWs_Logs.zip
  8. Everything works fine in v.7.12.0#04. Thanks a lot!
  9. shown in duplicate when my ship is detected. Aslains_WoWs_Logs.zip
  10. It seems that W03L0BED came back yeasterday. This is new replay on version 0.7.10. Please send to him this if he need. I watched cobrazax's video and tried to play Ultra Hardmode, but could not play as well as he... 20181025_181631_PJSA009-Ryujo-1933_17_NA_fault_line.wowsreplay
  11. I identify the cause, Minimap Extended. That replay file can be played normally when I removed minimap mod.
  12. I've encounterd this incident again. So I waited for end of battle to generate a replay file. This file doesn't show all UI just as when playing game, but show correctly without mods (I just rename res_mods folder). ModPack configuration has not changed since my last post. I attach the replay file and hope this will help 20181015_170931_PJSA009-Ryujo-1933_42_Neighbors.wowsreplay
  13. I can watch them fine. My other replay files playing with Ryujo are ok too.
  14. I have same issue. Strange to say, I was also using Ryujo. The replay file of that battle was not created (probably because I tried to restart the game again and again...) It does not always occur. About once in 10 battles using CV. The last incident is Octobar 4th. After that I thought YAZOM(25%) MOD was the cause, had deleted. So I have archived logs now, but these are slightly different from the installation condition at the time. Aslains_WoWs_Logs.zip
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