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Posts posted by Xanxerox

  1. Aslain,


    Thanks for getting back to me... so when I start up the game and start a new battle none of the typical XVM data is displayed on the start up screens or in battle when I hit the tab key...everything is greyed out and has no information... I usually use the Quickybaby option and the "show chance to win" attribute...




    Yes that is the first thing I did..XVM site says I have 4 (+) days until I need to update...


  2. Hello All,


    First up love using your mods it makes the WoT game so much fun and I like comparing stats with my friends and opponents.


    I am having difficulty using the Replays Manager Mod for quite awhile now.  I am unable to view my replays, every time I try to watch a replay the game shuts down.


    So here is what typically happens;


    1. I launch WoT from the desktop

    2. At the first screen I hit the "play" button

    3. the Login screen comes up

    4. I got to the top left corner of the screen and click "Replays Manager"

    5. The "Loading Interface" Icon is displayed on screen for about two minutes while replays load in

    6. Once loaded I can scroll through my replays

    7. I pick a replay to watch and hit "play"

    8. The replay tries to Load, sometimes a few seconds of the beginning of the replay start but only for maybe 10 seconds

    9. The screen goes momentarily black

    10. I am back at my desktop.


    I am usually able to view the player stats, takes about a minute to load and I can review personal, team and detailed reports

    If I try and play from the stats pages it kicks out as well.


    I have loaded the mod file per your trouble shooting instructions on "How to report a bug or issue" using the required load criteria, that did not help.


    Other than that the game runs well and all the other mods seem to work just fine.


    Any Help is appreciated.


    I have attached the files as required.


    Thanks for the Help!





  3. Has anyone thought about a compass mod for Wot, my vision is that it would reside on the main play screen perhaps down by where the tank orientation and module heath box is at.  The compass would move and always show what cardinal direction you are pointed.  It sure would make it convenient in game to be able to quickly orient without having to take a few seconds and reference the mini map. Just a thought....

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