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Posts posted by central

  1. I had the same issue only fix is to run without mods or else it rests every time you start program.

    I personally got used to it on a 15.6 inch laptop 1920x1080 but if I using a higher end resolution laptop (like a mac or surface) the game would be impossible to play with the modpack.

    I don't know which mod is causing this I'm surprised the problem has not been report by more people.


  2. I posted this in the forums curious how many people think the same way.


    "I think at this point many of the better players are of the opinion that artillery/SPGs in the current meta make the game rather unpleasant.

    While the 9.18 changes were considered a small improvement by some (I personally preferred the older arty, new arty splash, accuracy, reload, stun mechanism and improved gun handling are a disaster for lightly armored vehicles) almost no one thinks it solved the problem.


    But there does seem to be a simple solution that not only allows for arty to remain in game but increases skill cap of effective arty playing while simultaneously making it easier for weaker arty players to help their team. This can be accomplished while simultaneously making evasive procedures much more effective allowing good players to avoid arty fire consistently if they don't slip up.


    The idea is arty will not be able to randomly fire anywhere on map the way it can today, rather every live player (including SPG themselves) will have an option to call for assistance to a given point on the map which will generate a small 30m circle where arty will be able to fire after a delay of 3-5 seconds (I'm nor sure what the perfect delay would be). These circles would then be available for 20 or 30 seconds after which they will vanish.

    Every player will be able to call for assistance up to 3 times simultaneously after which an additional call will cause the first circle to vanish.

    In addition there will be a limit on the total amount of calls per team based on the number of live SPGs (something like 5-8-10 for 1-2-3 arties respectively seems to make sense) after which additional calls cause the earlier ones to vanish.


    This will only apply to indirect shots arties will have no restrictions on firing whenever they have a direct line of fire. (This would basically mean that an LT being focused by a nearby arty need only fall behind a ridge line the way it would do against a normal tank).


    In order to compensate, SPGs would get back their original pen and alpha while retaining their 9.18 buffs.


    This idea seems so simple and compelling to me I'm sure it must been suggested before but I haven't seen it discussed anywhere.


    Either way would be glad to hear if anyone considered or is willing to consider this.

    Thanks for reading."

  3. Is anyone else reporting connection problems this patch. my client has refused to upload several times mid-battle for durations varying form 10-15 sec to over 1 min but it has no problem downloading so displayed ping and battle raging around me is normal.

    Haven't had this ever last patch.

  4. Did anyone do real analysis on which directives help most for best value.

    firefighting is good if you want to run coffee etc. it's only 2 bonds.

    But some of the others seem good too while perhaps most of them make no economical sense at all.


    On ‎7‎/‎8‎/‎2017 at 12:07 PM, Quaksen said:

    Many people grind a skill like repair or camo, and once at 100%, switch to a skill that requires 100% to work, such as Brothers in Arms.

    That was indeed my intention here. Though on almost all LT and TD and many MT I would prefer concealment to BIA any day.

  6. Pretty sure this has nothing to do with the modpack but it is really weird.

    My t21 was running at about 92.5% M.O.E (i already had my 3rd mark) next morning its in low 80s as if someone hacked my account and played it i play bunch of games including a few ace tankers but it remains stuck at 83.44 not moving an inch back or forth. It is still like that now.

    anyone have any ideas?

  7. That makes much more sense A 5x multiplier. I was thinking my tank has 5 crew so XP/5 that didn't make sense.

    I thought 5X was only during a special and standard was 1X hence my mistake I'm pretty sure 5x used to be called a special but perhaps its a "standard" special.

    Thank You Quaksen Nice to see you as official moderator and not just a moderator in all but name...

  8. OK I figured out a little it seems that I only get XP/5 for each of my crew. I'm pretty sure it wasn't always like that ill recheck wiki It makes a tank with 2 crew as effective a crew trainer as tank with 6 crew. But still very strange is that accelerated crew training now only doubles(or triples in my case with the xp booster activated) XP/5 for a result of 2XP/5 this makes no sense isn't the whole idea of accelerated crew training to use that xp for your crew not only 20% of it.

    Perhaps game was always like this and I somehow never noticed.

  9. After some time of not noticing a real difference with accelerating crew training, I found myself trying to grind BIA on an Achilles radio operator (the radio operator is introduced in tier 6 in this line hence the BIA grind) after eliting the tank and checking accelerate crew training I expected to be done in no time especially when I activated 100% exp boosters which would now mean my radio operator get X3 crew XP every game. Yet it seemed to be taking me forever to grind so I finally actually checked I came up with this:

    acceler 1.PNG


    added 2 minutes later

    I left the most recent battle window opened in background so you can clearly see I received 2114 experience + 1057 crew xp so I should be getting 3172 crew xp on my radioman but nope I got only about 825?????. Whats going on here, has someone already brought attention to this?

  10. My main point is not that that tanks are about equal they surely are not. Rather that there is nothing wrong with the random variety in  the current matchmaker you win some you lose some. I repeat,  having a 14% chance to win is a far worse problem and incidentally having a 84% chance to win is often just as bad... 

  11. Thankfully they ran a togfest a few days ago where I was (finally) able to 3rd mark the Bishop and actually got what may be the highest dmg(4731) ever done in Bishop game (though I admit it wasn't a particularly good game had team help up a little better I prob could've done closer to 6.5K)

    Bishop 4731 lost.wotreplay

    bishop 3.5 dmg.wotreplay

    bishop RW.wotreplay

    Thers got to be someone somewhere that really knows how the m.o.e works I was able to do very high dmg consistently but its still wasn't enough to get 3rd mark while on other tanks dmg that high would've gotten it really easily.

  12. You probably don't paly arty much. But I'm about to watch my beloved Bishop who is doing 63% Wr (that's a nice carry tank not a RNG machine) become a tank that cant carry its own shoes...

  13. But PLEASE what was wrong with a little random variety in tank classes.

    99% of those who chat "we have no heavies gg" don't have the foggiest notions of how to play the game. I'm not saying that its never a handicap only that it can be part of a healthy MM and is far less damaging then reds vs blues.

  14. I'm not too worried about those missions, 4 arties and above was a rare thing anyhow, besides with that line of reasoning you can argue those missions are easier now as MM will be more likely to put 3 SPG in any given match no more 12 battles in a row without 3 SPG.

    But that toon sends chills up my spine...

    Though I hear WG will only match a toon with a toon of similar tier (RIP short waiting times) so to make it better imagine purple toon VS red toon that'll be just great.

    But really what was wrong up to now I though MM was great for the most part.


  15. About MM as well is it just me but I saw nothing wrong with MM except at tier 4 and tier 3 a bit with a very low likelihood of being top tier and  often at the bottom with a majority of higher tier tanks, But why kill the whole matchmaker?  Whats wrong with some variety and actually getting to really be low tier and high tier?

    Imagine how rare top tier will become once every 5 games at best you will never do better than that.

    This also means that records will be harder to break now as there will simply be much less HP in a given game with any tank. Think about it.

    Also OP tanks will now be top tier by themselves much more often imagine a KV-1 or better yet a KV-220 as top tier every third tier 5 game.

    In higher tiers it wont be as bad as difference btw tiers is largest at lower tier which was a big part of reason MM was broken low tier in the first place.

     (A full health tier 3 tank played by a decent player has little chance against an average player playing in most tier 5 tanks with 25% health remaining this is not true in higher tiers).

    MM at lower tiers can be fixed by simply putting tier 5 and 6 in fewer games with tier 4 and tier 3.



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