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Posts posted by antipathy

  1. Thanks for reply,


    there is the 15% bonus which is more important than the Medal!


    That was the reason I asked, as the ingame "clock" mechanics also has a "Delay" for fast clickers for invite!


    So if you could implement or make or remake that mod, then by activation all players benefit from that. Even you makers, when playing 😉



  2. Hello,


    could you please include and Auto-Invite mod to Aslain-Pack?


    I found this:



    But as a noob, I do not know if this is allowed or legit-Mod.


    If allowed please make it at least the one mandatory mod: cause it costs nobody something and anybody can profit!


    By the way: I do not installed that mod, cause I do not know if it interferes with Aslain ...!!!



  3. A little off-topic,


    meanwhile i tried some others (from WG-site).


    nearly something usable is the webium but it lacks the AA (right mouse always auto) without which i would not be able to play WoT.


    The only thing that with other mods function and in Aslains not is the hp-cirle on minimap !!!


    Maybe time to redesign the installer to something like nanite.


    Then not all is included and maybe by failure installed.


    And every module could be actualized by anybody (like cvs or wikimedia) and allowed to be installed to the (nanite)-aslain-installer.


    Cause all the sound files and any installer to it is not intressting for me but the core vital elements to survive in a RND-MM-Win8 hell some people believe to be meaningful (which is really not after a streak of 32 loses).


    Just wanted to give my 2 cents for the performance and optimization.


    Thx for the work :* (i am not a gay, it is a hand-kiss) ;)

  4. Hi Dear Aslain,

    have the smae problem.


    By the way, why does not WG make you an GUI Employee?


    I dont think you could suck more than their GUI-Programmers are doing right now!   ;)





    Oh, and a new bug:


    I clicked the Research button and the game went Freeze.


    Maybe it is the research Addon, which can not work with the new "illogical" Blurpint system! (uninstalled it, it went faster to the research, but when i clicked on another tank, it again freezed the game)...

    ... game is in a grayed screen, WG symbol is truning and it says "actualaizind verhicles list".

    I let it run now for some time...



    I think you will have a lot of problems with the new system and all addons which somehow are accessing it.





  5. Hi,


    can you please change the aslain Tank panel so that the symbols are near the tanks.


    Up on the screen there is no use, if i don't see a square near the "LORR" to keep on moving!


    Hope you know what i mean.


    Trying to explain:


    .......................................................................................Diamand Square Traingle .......... Triangle Square Diamand..................................................................


    (tank-name)  (Tank-Symbol)    (Diamond) ........................................................................................................................(Diamond) (Tank-Symbol) (tank-name)

    (Arty-NAme) (Arty-Symbol)  (Square)








    This way the above Bar is also unnecessary! Because i would see fast which enemy AND type are still alive. 


    Is it possible? Can you implement it in Webium's Screen with Health-Bars?


    If yes it would be nice to implement asap.


    Thx in advance



  6. Hello, here is a picture. if you look at it you see the fonts are a little bit bigger and there is a shadow behind them making them more readable. Also in Webium there is an under-mod which HIGHLIGHTS the Tank your target is on making it better visible. I dont like webium because it also install many things you can not uncheck vs aslain (both are great works) but with GTX660 it makes it less fps with webium than with aslain. Regards


  7. Hello Team, Is it possible to implement the Fronts-Mod from Webium with the Bold-Font-Feature also in Aslain? I don't know (and dont want to try) to install both Mods side by side. So if Webium-Team allows to use their Font-Mod in Aslain, that would be great! regards

  8. Hello Aslain and Team,


    as always first thanks for the great job.


    I have a sugestion:


    I am Using the "TEAM HP BAR" with BARSTYLE NORMAL". There you can see the diffrent enemies with colours.


    Is it possible to make this color rating like Danger-Rating AND make the danger rating above the Tanks you see in your targeting or on the map?


    Best Regards

  9. Hello,


     and a  big thanks for the great Aslain-Mod.


    I had installted webium the first time, but then found aslain and use it since then.


    I have a big issue with targeting.


    And as WG forbid the use of Autoaim the only solution which I think they can not disallow is to use a bigger circle or Rectangle for the right mouse button.


    It seems there are not enough mods for this and no mdification on changing colors.


    The only Addon I found near my imagination is this one:


    Sight “Hyperion” from Billroy for World of Tanks



    So is it possible to implement it in aslain WITH the option to ?

    - Maximize the inner "+"  AND / OR replace it with a circle (with colors and size changable) to allow the RMB target what is in that circle


    The way it is now, You must zoom out, realy find the middle DOT in any sight-targeting on the tank then press RMB.


    So how about make that DOT a BIG DOT or a BIG Circle?


    Only my 2 cents and request.


    Everything else is so fine, i would recommand WG to implement Aslain directly in WoT for all players have the options.


    Then the game would be a lot more balance for all players.


    Again thanks and regards.


    Nice Christmas.

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