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  1. I'll say this all things went in game fine, I don't need fancy bars or anything, just historical flags aka swastikas and IJN flags and skins for ships, soot removal and port fog removal. So that's really all. I don't have issues with them being installed but it's stange it says that and it needs to be worked out eventually hopefully. As for the forced install, yes to install wows the only way on the NA site is the shitty center.
  2. Of course you still have it but you didn't have to uninstall that stuff and reinstall only to be misfortunely confronted with "Yo this is all that exists now, accept it or fucking die."
  3. You do realize that wargaming did away with the old wows launcher right bud? It's all "shitty game center" now and nothing less.
  4. http://prntscr.com/gzkxnv it still says client not detected, fix the shit guys good lord.
  5. My wows is fully updated, is it the mods end or my clients end? Which is broken? If I continue nothing is installed and so forth.
  6. http://prntscr.com/gz3sa7 Why is the most recent mod doing this? Anyone else having this bad error? If so please this needs to be fucking fixed.
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