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Posts posted by mikkaav

  1. Glad you figured it out :)

    And yeah, I figured it probably wouldn't be the correct thing to do - it was a quick shot in the dark, honestly, just to get something started :)

    Yea your assistance was damn fast and I take my hat off for you! And I guessed that :)

    Anyway, +1 for you! 




    Out of curiosity, why would you have no info whatsoever on enemy?

    I like to know the players in my Team, but I don't want to look at Enemy Team stats... Less pressure that way and better end results :)

    I mean I like to see how much I need to carry the team...

  2. Something along these lines.. since you have it posted, you can always revert back, if things get messed up :P

    "formatRightNick": "<font alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font> <font size='13'>{{name%.10s~..}}</font></font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'>",
    "formatRightVehicle": "{{vehicle}}",


    Thanks, already figured out how to do it the correct way. This one you posted isn't correct tho, but I appreciate your assistance.


    Here's the images:

    dAQU2W0m.jpg oJYvjglm.jpg CFlgkwOm.jpg ZbsyTrMm.jpg HxxObTgm.jpg


    How I did it:


      "battleLoading": {
        "clanIcon": { "show": false, "x": -388, "y": 0, "xr": -388, "yr": 0, "w": 22, "h": 22, "alpha": 90 },
        "clockFormat": "H:i:s",
        "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png'> <font size='13' color='{{c:r}}'>{{name%.10s~..}} <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font></font>",
        "formatLeftVehicle": "{{vehicle}} <font face='Consolas' size='12'> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:r|#666666}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font></font>",
        "formatRightNick": "<font color='FFFFFF' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font> <font size='13'>{{name%.10s~..}}</font></font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'>",
        "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='12'><font color='FFFFFF'></font> {{vehicle}}",
        "removeSquadIcon": false,
        "showBattleTier": true,
        "removeVehicleLevel": true,
        "removeVehicleTypeIcon": false



      "statisticForm": {
        "clanIcon": { "show": true, "x": -378, "y": 0, "xr": -378, "yr": 0, "w": 22, "h": 22, "alpha": 90 },
        "formatLeftNick": "<img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png'> <font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{name%.20s~..}} <font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font></font>",
        "formatLeftVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='11'> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font> <font color='{{c:r|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font></font>",
        "formatRightNick": "<font color='FFFFFF' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font> {{name%.20s~..}}</font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'>",
        "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='11'><font color='FFFFFF' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'></font>",
        "removeSquadIcon": false,
        "showBattleTier": true,
        "removeVehicleLevel": true,
        "removeVehicleTypeIcon": false



    "def": {
    "c1": "0x13C313",
    "c2": "0x6060FF"
    "playersPanel": {
    "alpha": 60,
    "clanIcon": { "alpha": 90, "h": 24, "show": false, "w": 24, "x": 82, "xr": 105, "y": 0, "yr": 0 },
    "iconAlpha": 100,
    "large": {
    "removeSquadIcon": false,
    "nickFormatLeft": "{{r}} {{nick}}",
    "nickFormatRight": "{{nick}} ",
    "vehicleFormatLeft": "{{vehicle}}",
    "vehicleFormatRight": "{{vehicle}}",
    "extraFieldsRight": [ { "x": 0, "y": 0, "align": "center", "valign": "top", "bindToIcon": "true", "format": "{{spotted}} ", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "shadow": {} }, {} ],
    "width": 120
    "medium": {
    "removeSquadIcon": false,
    "formatLeft": "       {{nick%.16s~..}}",
    "formatRight": "{{nick%.16s~..}}       ",
    "extraFieldsLeft": [
    { "x": 35, "y": 0, "valign": "center", "format": "{{frags}}", "alpha": "{{alive?100|35}}" },
    "fragsFormatLeft": "",
    "fragsFormatRight": "",
    "extraFieldsRight": [
    { "x": 35, "y": 0, "valign": "center", "format": "{{frags}}", "alpha": "{{alive?100|35}}" },
    { "x": 0, "y": 0, "align": "center", "valign": "top", "bindToIcon": "true", "format": "{{spotted}} ", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "shadow": {} },
    "width": 56
    "medium2": {
    "removeSquadIcon": false,
    "formatLeft": "{{vehicle}}",
    "formatRight": "{{vehicle}}",
    "extraFieldsRight": [ { "x": 0, "y": 0, "align": "center", "valign": "top", "bindToIcon": "true", "format": "{{spotted}} ", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "shadow": {} }, {} ],
    "width": 65
    "short": {
    "removeSquadIcon": false,
    "enabled": true,
    "width": 0,
    "fragsFormatLeft": "{{frags}}",
    "fragsFormatRight": "{{frags}}",
    "extraFieldsLeft": [],
    "extraFieldsRight": [ { "x": 0, "y": 0, "align": "center", "valign": "top", "bindToIcon": "true", "format": "{{spotted}} ", "alpha": "{{alive?100|0}}", "shadow": {} }, {} ]
    "none": {
    "enabled": true,
    "layout": "vertical",
    "extraFields": {
    "leftPanel": { "x": 0, "y": 65, "width": 350, "height": 25, "formats": [] },
    "rightPanel": { "x": 0, "y": 65, "width": 350, "height": 25, "formats": [] }
    "removePanelsModeSwitcher": false,
    "removeSelectedBackground": false,
    "startMode": "large",
    "altMode": null
  3. Hello fellas!


    I'd like to know what do I need to change in the following code on the "formatRightNick" and "formatRightVehicle" in "battleLoading.xc" and "statisticForm.xc" to get rid of the XVM Stats for the Enemy Team completely and have the Enemy Players the Default World of Tanks look...

    (I'd like to remove all Stats for the Enemy Players)

    "formatRightNick": "<font color='{{c:r}}' alpha='{{alive?#FF|#80}}'><font face='Consolas'><font size='10'>{{clan}}</font></font> <font size='13'>{{name%.10s~..}}</font></font> <img src='xvm://res/icons/xvm/xvm-user-{{xvm-user|none}}.png'> <img src='xvm://res/icons/flags/{{flag|default}}.png' width='16' height='13'>",
    "formatRightVehicle": "<font face='Consolas' size='12'><font color='{{c:winrate|#666666}}'>{{winrate%2d~%|--%}}</font> <font color='{{c:r|#666666}}'>{{r}}</font> <font color='{{c:kb|#666666}}'>{{kb%2d~k|--k}}</font></font> {{vehicle}}",

    Hope someone is kindly willing to help or point me in the right direction...





  4. Me and I believe everybody here appreciates all the effort you put in developing and keeping the ModPack updated. I understand how much work it is to look through all the sources and I did not complain about anything at all.


    I was just letting you know that Artasan's Contours are always updated very fast and you don't have to worry that they will be broken or incompatible.


    I also noticed that you added the Artasan's Contour Icon Pack to your ModPack in the last update! THANK YOU ASLAIN! :)




    One thing I don't understand is why I'm getting Negative Reputation? Who and why is hating?

    • Upvote 1
  5. Hello,


    I'd like to see you to include Artasan's Contour Icons in your next Mod Pack Update please.


    Link to Artasan's Contour Icons YM 9.6 is here: http://www.curse.com/wot-mods/worldoftanks/aciym


    I also added the Contour Icon Pack as an Attachment below.


    Artasan always keeps his MOD Updated and releases updates fast.



    Please consider adding these Icons... It's annoying to install these separately every time I update your Mod Pack.



    Thanks in advance,





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