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Everything posted by MrGalzraVoid

  1. I have approved the mod installer multiple times to bypass the anti-virus. it won't go through and again. this is the first time since I started using the pack that it has been flagged, been using it for a few months
  2. since the mod pack updated and since I tried installing the new mod pack for world of tanks my anti-virus avg is screaming about "Win32:MdeClass" any ideas of why my anti-virus is only complaining now and has not stopped the mod pack before?
  3. in the world of tanks res-mods config folders while installing the latest mod version the "patch" and "sed" applications will not uninstall, I am running my computer as an admin but I cannot delete them without permission from an admin and it is stopping the mod pack from working, I had already tried to delete the whole mod pack from the pc by windows uninstall but these 2 files still exist and is stopping the mod pack from working
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