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  1. Yeah, that's what I was referring to; the placeholders. I'll continue trying different variations of the panels until I find something I like. I know it seems weird to even consider using your mod pack without using XVM but I'm still learning a bit about WN8 and I feel it could be distracting for me. Stats do appear to be working now that I figured out the anonymizer issue. Thanks again for all of your responses!
  2. I've attached my logs for reference. Out of curiosity, is it possible to disable XVM entirely? I prefer a minimalistic layout and the only one I think I'll like is QuickyBaby's but if I don't, I'd still want to use the mod pack but without the stats part. I really enjoy some of the other bundled features like the camera zoom and the crosshair colors. Even after disabling everything under Panels & Windows it still tries to display the stats (which it won't because of the anonymizer issue) so I just get the dashes and percentage symbols and a whole lot of weirdness. I'm still getting used to it and am trying to use a minimalistic layout because some of the others add a lot of unnecessary bloat that I'm not quite ready to use. It seems like the mod is designed to change the user interface whether I have XVM enabled or not. Thank you so much for your time and patience! Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  3. I’m not home at the moment so I’ll get the logs to you as soon as I am (stuck at work) but to ask again, how long until the anonymizer penalty resets? That thread I mentioned earlier said 12 hours and presumably from the time of my last battle with it active. Is that correct? I’m just operating on the hunch that the anonymizer is the issue. It would make sense.
  4. Thanks for the response! I had already read over the pinned topic. Only step I didn't take was to upload an archive. I had just assumed that there was a setting or configuration that I was missing somewhere with the XVM options. I did stumble across an old thread on the WOT forums that says if you use the anonymizer feature, all stats are blocked in battle. Is this still the case and if so, how long until it resets? I had anonymizer on for when I streamed the game a few times when I returned back in January and just never turned it off. I wasn't aware that anonymizer is forbidden for XVM as that information wasn't presented during installation. I've attached two screenshots from a battle a few minutes ago. Are they consistent with what I would see if anonymizer is blocking stats? I imagine the text overlap from the dashes and percentage symbols would go away once the stats appear as they should too.
  5. Is this intended? Currently, under Panels & Windows, I only have "Panels by Quickybaby" enabled. Then for Player Statistics XVM, I have Rating Scale set to "8 Colors by Quickybaby". I've tried other panels but none seem to display the stats and instead just leave unsightly % symbols and weird misalignment issues in the panels. I've tried resetting the whole mod pack by using the uninstall tool and then redoing it but no luck. Yes, I've activated XVM in the network services panel of my account. Still, the issue persists. Oddly enough, this worked fine earlier tonight when I used some of the default configuration. Is there something I'm missing here? Thanks.
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