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Posts posted by Gosu

  1. Just install any of the information panel like Info Panel Extended by kszys for instance, and in tutorial mode, I start @120fps and in less than 30 seconds, it goes slowly but surely to something ridiculous, like 5ish fps...

    No need for anything else, just one info panel, the rest doesn't matter.


    I spent some time to isolate the option responsible of this issue. The good thing is it only bugs in tutorial mode.

    The bad thing for me is I was testing a new graphic card and didn't want to rush in battle without testing, and I couldn't understand at first why it was so slow....

    I didn't think it would bug only in tutorial mode and work well in battle and I didn't want to be stuck in a battle having to play with 5fps...


    in the end: it had nothing to do with the new GPU :) !



    World of Tanks folder?  ->> Yes
    Clean res_mods folder?  ->> Yes, FULL
    Current date: 19-02-2017 and time: 00:50:20
    Build date: 19-02-2017
    Mod-Pack Installer by Aslain
    Installed on: EU Client

    Destination location:

    Setup type:
          Custom installation

    Selected components:
          -----------------------[ The Mod Pack (non-XVM mods) ]-------------------------------
             ----------------------[ Crosshair mods ]------------------------------------------
                Info Panel (info about targeted vehicle)
                   Info Panel Extended by kszys

    Additional tasks:
          Installation options
             Delete all previous mods from the game (strongly advised)
             Delete Python logs (advised)
             Delete game caches

  2. I guess I'll change my routine to add this step (copy res\audio to res_mods\0.9.7\audio) after sweeping my res_mod folder and before installing the mods :)



    on an additional note, if the installer is not intended to alter original files, why does he create files in res\audio then ?



  3. Hi Aslain,


    why is there an audio folder in res_mods\0.9.7 ?


    here is the content:

    I guess your installer is supposed to copy all the content of res\audio to res_mods when installed directly in the WoT folder but I usually install the mod on a separate folder and then I copy it to my WoT folder.
    Each time I have to move the audio folder to "res", otherwise I don't get any sound.
    I proceed like this in order to be able to control what is copied over my WoT files, instead of letting the installer breaking anything (I agree you are pretty good :) and chances are very thin that the installer mess up the game files but still...).


    Any chance to keep the audio files in "res" when installed in a separate folder ?


    Thanks :)



  4. hi Aslain,

    I have installed latest mod, and the result is a bit weird. It looks like some mods are not installed at all.
    It is all messed up: tanks icons are missing, OTM is vanilla, multiline tank caroussel is gone, auto login is missing...
    some other things work like the xvm minimap, xvm stats, missions auto accept...
    It is the first time something that weird happens with your mod, I have reinstalled twice just to be sure, but same result.
    do you want my logs ? or have you seen the same already on your side ?
  5. Hi Aslain,
    I'm back, I waited for 9.7 hoping it would fix this issue, but no luck.
    I have reinstalled the game from scratch (also removed my "AppData\Roaming\Wargaming.net" folder), but this issue is still here.
    Even updated my nVidia graphics drivers.
    In the registry font "XVM Symbol (TrueType)" is pointing to "XVMSymbol_11.1.ttf"
    Basically, I see a black square instead of the squad number on the OTM marker on the left.


    Please find attached my logs files, I hope you'll find something.
    Thank you





  6. I uninstalled the font (XVMSymbol.ttf), nothing was left in the folder (checked in Dos) and in the registry, then I restarted the computer.


    From there, I installed v4.2.34, I saw the font appearing in the Windows fonts folder and it seems properly installed as it is listed in the Fonts folder and in the registry.


    but still the same "black" bug in game.


    Any idea why ? Do you want my install config files ?

  7. I saw a quick answer from you Aslain, then it disappeared...


    anyway, I have removed the XVMSymbol.ttf and reinstalled with the mod and from the font package on the mod page (http://www.mediafire.com/download/611joxgx2cz4ggm/Aslains_ModPack_Fonts.zip)


    but still the same. if it has something to do with this specific font, I can try one more time to remove it completely (registry and fonts folder), then restart the computer and reinstall the mod.

  8. hi,


    I think it is a nice option too, especially the one with the radial timer countdown shown on the screenshots.


    I have seen you've added the text version in the 4.2.30 version, which is nice already, but not as visible as the radial icon.

    But of course, if the radial mod is full of weird coding... then I understand we all avoid it.


    thanks :)

    • Upvote 1
  9. Hi,


    same here, autoequip is not working well:


    it seems to only mount equipments if available in depot.

    If not in depot, it doesn't unmount them from other tanks in order to mount them to current tank.

    It used to work fine before 9.5.



    hum... it seems to work now... strange :/

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