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Posts posted by Maitri

  1. OH! REALLY?! I didn't have to do that when I played in CBT! Lemme check! I didn't understand that's what you meant. Apologies, checking now.


    Boy I feel stupid. I didn't even see that option in there.


    Thank you! And last question, unrelated to mods: is dynamic crosshair worth it? Does it accurately depict how far you should lead when you are targeting someone?

  2. I did. Used Aslain's mod a lot, even before they had previews. I tried multiple crosshairs (which ones I don't recall) and none of them came up in game.


    Just tested it again . . . nope. NONE of the crosshairs work for the game.

  3. I'm not entirely sure which mod that it was that gave this functionality to me so I'll ask here to cover my bases.


    It was one that allowed me to hit T (the key that tends to say 'focus your fire on this target') on targets that I was aiming near (much less the aim assistance mod in your modpack, Aslain) however that specific mod does not do it. Does anyone know what could've caused this?

  4. I'm unsure if you know this Aslain but the version of Harpoon's crosshair you have in your modpack has the odd quirk of possessing something other than a circle for a dispersion indicator. It is actually more like a circle with it's top and bottom cut off. It lacks the ability to give full information on how badly your shot will disperse.


    I did some hunting and found the one with the circle as a dispersion and it is linked below. I wasn't sure if this was intentional or not but if you'd like, you could put both in there, with either as an option.





  5. I see no difference, the old paintball is the same like one of current stickers.


    No it's not.


    Paintball mod colored everything based on it's status, not it's 'sticker'.


    i.e. Penetration was red.

    Bounce was Green.


    I think there were others but these were the biggies.


    CDS colors it based on what kind of impact it had. I've had MULTIPLE times where I've been damaged/penetrated and the marker is green. 

  6. Posted this in the WoT general forums but can't hurt to hedge my bets, right?


    First of all, here's the post there:




    Secondly, I just wanted to know if anyone here had any ideas OR if anyone knows whether the mods that are inside Aslain's modpack could've made this difficult? I've already tried uninstalling the modpack via the option of 'clean install' at the end with no mods installed (and deleting all mod folders below 0.9.7) but so far no luck.

  7. Arty mod. The one that leaves a red don't when you fire. Don't know how many use it, I don't think many as most arty don't relocate after they fired but I don't see them taken out. My ELC got shot by arty once using that mod I think. I'd just come back to my PC and battle had started. I fired a shot at an out of range tank but within draw distance and a short while later I was dead. I wasn't spotted or camping bush and all tanks had long gone from base and in battle so no reason for arty to shoot base unless he had that red dot appear.


    Just FYI, this only works if you're looking in the location when they fire so it's not really any different than just watching for artillery fire. It just replaces the spot of your memory. Instead of you having to remember exactly where an artillery fired from, it remembers for you. Not all that OP in my opinion as the artillery should be moving in between shots. 90% don't.

    • Upvote 1
  8. I hate to say it but until Wargaming develops a method to catch people who are using illegal mods, then ipso facto, there are no illegal mods. Sadly, in today's society, if people can get away with it, they will attempt to do so until the risk outweighs the benefit. As there is currently no risk to using these mods lest you're an idiot and go around spamming that you are using them, I figure at least 10 to 15% of the player base are using them at any one time. It's why I strive to never knock stuff over if I am attempting to be stealthy. 


    As for what I think what mods are illegal? Simple: Anything that would give you information or capabilities beyond the normal human and/or game engine. However this is somewhat vague, obviously, considering this is also dependent on many factors. For example, you could see where someone is aiming as you're using third person view. However using Line of Sight mods makes this much, much easier. 


    This would require Wargaming to do two things:


    Develop a set of rules and stand by them.

    Develop a way to catch people who break said rules.


    Until these two happen, it's all moot.

  9. I second this. There were mods that I used that were removed (because they were possibly bugged) that were working fine for me that I'd enjoy using. Can we get older versions of the modpack?


    I just tried using an old mod to get outdated mods but they are either not able to be downloaded from the site or they (for some reason now...) bug up the game. I remember in 9.7 that the autoaim mod did NOT bug my game out but now when I try to reinstall it, it goes all wonky.

  10. Why would I have clan icons on my game when I do not and never have enabled the option? It blocks a good bit of the information over the contour icons (because I use Ashbane's) and is HIGHLY annoying.


    For that matter, why am I seeing the dashes where XVM percentages would be at if I had enabled it if I don't have ANYTHING from XVM enabled? This JUST began happening the last few updates.

  11. Melty's now works, although it STILL has the reload bug. 

    Jimbo's works fine. 

    So does Deegie's. 


    Harpoon crashes the game.

    So does Giacint, haven't tested others.


    Also, SPG Aim time is broken, shows negative values for aim time.


    Will attach logs after I update and test a bit more.


    Just installed Melty's crashed first game, 3 minutes in. Logs attached below.


  12. After much much troubleshooting I found out what was causing my crash to desktops: almost all the reticule mods, even the ones that should work, like melty's. Using vanilla now but waiting for confirmation that these are not going to break my game.


    tested and broken:



    Melty's (as of 4.3.0)



    tested and works:



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