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Everything posted by Strakker

  1. Yea I tried that. Thx for the reply. Had to disable the gun sounds way to loud lol.
  2. Awesome, I am going to use this as well. I am older as well and that coupled with the screen setup I use, reading stuff can be very hard at times. I also very strongly prefer Aslains over OMC!
  3. I put in one of the sound mods for better tank sounds. I totally love it. However, when I fire my gun I need hearing protection and am surprised the neighbors haven't called the cops. If I turn that down, my crew voices and calls such as "That one bounced" go down. Is there a way to only adjust gun sounds?
  4. Yes that is what I am talking about. Or tip to getting it to work with xvm minimap would be great.
  5. Would really love the ability to move stuff around as well.
  6. Would it be possible to add the gun direction mod to the mini map? I really miss that. I have tried to just install it, but it disables all the XVM minimap items. Thanks in advance.
  7. I use 3x27 inch monitors when I play. This is great because it gives me a cockpit view. However, I have two problems. 1. In fullscreen mode all of the HUD elements such as minimap, chat, friends, allies, etc... are all clustered in the center. It would be great if there was a mod or ability to relocate and position those items wherever you want. 2. Not in fullscreen mode (the game looks crappier and runs slower) all of the hud elements in item #1 go to the far left and right. However since I'm using 3x27" monitors setup in an arch like a cockpit, I sit a little far back. This makes the font and items on everything a little hard to read. How about a mod that lets us adjust font size on all elements? Thank you in advance.
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