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Posts posted by Scorpiany

  1. One more decent player doesn't mean that you can't do jack anymore though.

    For all you know, it will be the player who just sits in one spot and simply prevents the enemy from taking 1 flank, without doing overly ridiculous dmg or anything; just scaring them off a little and giving you time to eventually pick them off.


    But yea, we won't get anywhere with this.

    I shall stand my ground!  :ph34r:


    Each to his own I suppose.  :P

  2. Thnx for that reply.

    I would definitely have to say that the issue is caused by incompatible mods. Aslain's mod pack is still at version 3.7.14; which is a 9.1 release. The European server has not yet had their 9.2 patch, thus most of the mods that you're used to have not yet been updated (since most of them are European mods). EU is scheduled to get their patch tomorrow, thus within one to three days, all of the mods should have been updated, and should be fully compatible with 9.2 by then.


    For now however, you're going to have to deal with a vanilla (mod-free) WoT Client.

  3. *sad* that i wont be getting my mod updated today, kinda weird how the US got tehres a day after the russian, usually its like a week after EU lol. Now it seems EU is getting it after us for once.

    But look at all this trouble it's created. Usually we complain about late patches, now we're complaining about the patch coming so early that we're forced to run a vanilla WoT Client.  :rolleyes:


    EU is getting the patch early in the morning tomorrow if I am correct. Hopefully soon after all of the mods will be updated.




    Shouldn't 675MB be the most possible with a 3Mbit line in 30mins? o_O


    On a different note: I read the updates are being decreased in size (more like 2GB, instead of the 7-8GB). Did that apply to 9.2 already?

    The updates were never 7-8 GB. That's the size of the entire Game Client, but the patches have usually been 1-3 GB. If I'm correct, they've never exceeded that.



    675MB sounds like a patch only, possibly I could change region on my client and update to 9.2 that way it's doable, but still no time to make a modpack in this short window of time.

    Definitely sounds like a patch. Seriously though, there's no rush. EU is getting the update tomorrow; I'm pretty sure that we can wait one day. Besides... you shouldn't be doing any of this for us... we're un-deserving.  ;) We'll be happy to wait.  ^_^

  4. Basically, you just create folders (on your desktop or whereever) like the directories of the stuff you want to modify.

    6th sense sound files would be located at:


    the installer automatically operates in WoT folder by default though, so you only have to create:


    and put your sound files into that folder.


    Next up would be playerspanel.xc, which is located in:


    so you create, again:


    and put your modified version of playerspanel.xc in there.


    Now you should have 2 folder (res and res_mods) with all the subfolders and the audio files and the .xc in them.

    Create a .zip with those 2 folders and name it "mod1.zip" and put it into the "Aslains_Custom_mods" folder, which is located in the WoT directory.


    I hope this was somewhat to understand (I don't feel like it was =3 ).

    Hmm... could you please say that in English now? I'm even more confused.  :wacko:

  5. I suppose, it comes down to different experiences and/or perceptions of things.


    For me the thing about platooning with worse players went exactly the oposite way.

    I too did teach them things but they wouldn't take in what I said, depsite being far better than them (and I'm not particularly awesome).

    Ppl have to be willing to take advise in the first place and ppl with natural talent for the game are even better.

    I platooned with one of the latter when he had like 200 games and just started out. He was really good and learned very quickly, not only by me but also by playing together and doing research on his own.

    The point was though, he was willing to learn and naturally good at the game already, which I can't say for a lot of ppl - including myself, as I struggled a lot like my first 3k games.


    And I repeat it once more, since you said platooning with ppl is pointless, if everyone is doing their own thing:

    It is not pointless, as you add another decent to very good player to your own team!

    Otherwise his spot would be taken by another tomato.

    It's like forcefully increasing your team's chances.


    You may not see much of a point in it but even when everyone does his/her own thing, it can still be better than taking the chance of having another newbie, or noob even, on your team.

    At least by chance.


    Sorry for rambling so much about it. It, clearly, comes down to different points of view but a forum should be there to exchange those, right!?

    I'm not claiming to have "the right way" either; hell, I barely have 6.4k games under my belt, so what do I know anyway.

    Another decent player to my team. Hurray (lots of sarcasm)! Someone else who will make it harder to legitimately carry and easier to win, because the battle will end sooner, and without as many allied losses. Just what I need (not).


    I learn by carrying, and I learn by making mistakes and pushing my tanks to their limits. The worse players I have on my team, the more I learn. The harder the battle is for me, the more fun and challenging the experience is. I would prefer to have an absolutely crappy team to an absolutely amazing team. The worse the team is, the more I can learn and the harder I can carry.

  6. I'm loving this feature too, I have some small tunes I add sometimes, now it's so easy without doing it manualy  :)

    As I said... this is rocket science... I currently have multiple folders with multiple mods in one folder... How do I make this work? Do I just rename the original folder, or do I have to extract all of the folders inside and rename each individual one, as well as rename the sub-folders to 0.9.2 (since these are old mods that have never stopped working) [which ultimately will make this feature absolutely pointless]

  7. Not much to elaborate, I just came to an idea :) To create a forum to share replays, where you could discuss your tactics if you'd like.

    I suppose that would be nice? Discussing tactics would probably still fit under "Guides and Tutorials", because that would be meant to educate the player base. A separate part of the Forums to just share replays that are worthwhile would be interesting however.

  8. I see you are like myself. I do always perform better if they leave me alone, and let do my own decisions, the same with platoon, but I enjoy it with friends, and in our platoons nobody tries to lead, we all play as we want.

    My main problem with Platoon is that either:

    • We will stick together as a group, but at least one of us will be unfamiliar with the tactics that I'm using, or that someone else is using.
    • If each of us does his/her own thing, what's the point of Platooning? There's no teamwork or cooperation going on; it's back to doing your own thing. Just like a regular pub match. Except now, if you do poorly in battle, your friends will see it. Sometimes it's too much stress, other times it's just like your typical pub match.
  9. I'm honestly sad to read this.

    Can't be much fun if you don't like to play together with others, not even platoonmates.


    I'm aware that there are a lot of bad players but, statistically, there are still around 45% decent players online at all times.

    So it's almost impossible that it is always you who is responsible for winning. Even bad players often do an important part; even if they aren't aware of it.


    Regarding platooning I think that it can never hurt, unless you play together with ppl WAY worse than you; in which case you always add a handicap to your teams, that's correct.

    In all other cases though, decent platoonmates - at the very least - increase the # of decent players on YOUR team and sometimes even work very well together.

    Maybe you were just very unlucky with your mates.

    Therefore, going together isn't required and if you use some sort of communication, you increase the effectiveness of your team as well.


    Again, just my 2 cents and some of my own experiences.

    Still have to find what works for you and if your style makes you happy and enjoy the game, then have at it.

    I prefer to Platoon with people worse than me. I get to teach the a few things, and they're the ones who usually will stick with me, thus surviving longer and being more battle effective. It's useful for them. Good players don't need to learn many things, do they?


    Regardless, I rarely Platoon. I absolutely hate it. I would much rather play pub matches solo. Besides... if I'm playing solo, I have no one to assist me (because teams are useless most of the time), thus I have to learn to adapt on my own, learn more about the maps, tactics, etc.... and I get used to carrying battles. If I lose, or take unnecessary damage, I analyze my mistakes and try to determine what my mistake was, what lost us the battle. The next time I go to battle in a similar situation, I've learned and will be able to carry harder and further.


    I'm always advocating Platooning with others because it is a good thing to do, and it is a worthwhile experience. However, when I'm playing I still tend to go solo. I get the most enjoyment from it; and I learn the most from it.

  10. I make my own tactics. I never follow along with my team, because whenever I do, it ends very badly for myself, and the rest of the team. Most of the victories I have come from me carrying on my own.


    I don't even Platoon, because every Platoon mate has his or her own idea of what a good tactic is. And following them will be doing something I'm un-familiar with, and if they mess up, I'm screwed. Platooning is nothing different that your typical pub match in my opinion. I go off on my own, I spot my own targets, I flank the targets I need to flank. Allies have no idea what they're doing. so I only go to them if that option is better than whatever I was doing at the time, which it rarely is.

  11. I do agree but you should still try to play the game as if you had competent teammates, imo.

    If you go into every game with the mentality that everyone on your team will be useless, then what's the point in playing to begin with?


    Personally, I like the idea to try to play together (which still happens at times), otherwise I'd play a game where I'm alone and only have to rely on myself.

    Moreover, I'm not the best player that could carry every game, so I feel like I have to rely on at least some of the ppl on my team.


    Idk, I don't like that type of play where you always sit back, use 14 other ppl as spotters and then complain about how stupid they all are.

    Because then you don't do anything yourself either, apart from sitting safe in the back and pushing your left mouse button every once in a while.

    I enjoy spotting, brawling, shifting and sniping but not only sitting in bushes and brag about how I did so much dmg while sacrificing the rest of my team.

    How about... no. You will never find a competent team. I've learned the hard way to be my own man in battle. If I have a teammate that needs assistance, and is willing to work together and won't just rush out in die, then I will definitely stick with him and play as a team. However, how often does this happen? It doesn't. I've had battles where I light up the entire enemy team for the majority of the battle, and my team still can't shoot them down. That's why I've adapted my scouting style so that I can spot and snipe at the same time... even if that means going out of the ally's draw ranges.


    I always try to assist my team, but they never assist me. Thus when I play, I do so on my own. If an ally needs help, I'll assist. But I'm certainly not going to expect any help from them; even if it's just shooting at tanks I spot. I know that half of the player-base is too incompetent to even do that.

  12. Well, you have to stick with the situation at hard though..

    Spotting at the bridge would be borderline pointless with snipers like presented in the pix.

    They wouldn't have a shot at anything you'd spot from the bridge and you wouldn't spot anything they'd actually have a shot at.


    How I see it, if you advanced and spotted at the A/B-line, you would have had 4 snipers in your back - so what's not to like about that?

    If you get shot at, that doesn't mean you're automatically dead (granted, you get fire support by those 4 snipers).

    Quite the opposite, the ones pushing wouldn't come around as quickly, if they'd see their friends getting raped by t57 and Leo 1.

    Most likely, you'll be shot down. Besides... we're talking about pub matches here... half of your snipers will have trouble deciphering the left mouse button from the right mouse button.

  13. Yea, kinda my point.


    But even so, if you have some ppl camping in that position, you can at least try to feed them kills.

    Just sitting there and waiting for everyone to get spotted and shot is like the dumbest thing you can do, imo.

    If you go down, least do so by trying.

    If you go down, you will die. Period. You have no means of retreat. The best you could do is spot on the bridge, but even then you could easily be sniped at.

  14. Yea, I'm lazy and not particularly talented with instruments.

    I do like reading books at times but I have the problem that my thoughts wander around too much... So I end up having to re-read entire pages a lot.

    So that's not much fun. =3


    @@Almace,  WTF, that thing about re-reading the entire page.. I thought I was the only one with that problem :D. Yey! :D


    On occasion, I have to re-read a page. However, that typically happens once or twice throughout the course of the entire book.

  15. I did not delete a file. Perhaps that was a grammatical error on my part. I reinstalled XVM. After I tried to enter WOT, I received a windows warning message saying that a file was missing from WOT and it could not be started. I apologize for any confusion. I no longer have any of the files requested as I unistalled both XVM and WOT. I wish I could provide it to be of help.

    Seems like a re-directory error. Perhaps the Game Client is trying to find a non-existing file somewhere in res-mods?


    Regardless, I won't be able to help today; and neither will Aslain. EU has not even had the release of 9.2 yet, and my Game Client won't even start up.

  16. Idk how they got into this situation in the first place.

    If they camped up there (all of them) the whole game, then they simply had it coming anyway.


    Also, idk about which team had what scouts to their disposal, so it's moot to take that into consideration.

    From what is displayed in the pix, the Centurion would be the most likely spotter in my book and he could have at least tried.

    There is a small bush around A/B-4 too and you can knock down a tree also, iirc, in order to get some more camo.

    He coulda gone there or driven to A-1 early too.


    How much help he would have gotten: idk!

    But I know that if I were a TD or top tier, I certainly wouldn't advance if I had a tier 8 medium that could spot for me.

    If I see him camping with the rest of the TDs, then that's exactly what I'd do as well. I'm not spotting for a tier 8 wanna be sniper.


    That would be my opinion though. Obviously, there are several solutions to how to play and I just think that they have gotten themselves into a mess by what they did (or didn't do) before the pix were taken.

    Once you are in a mess, it's hard to dig yourself out of it anyhow.

    In my opinion, no one should ever be camping on that hill. Ever. There's no use for it. There are plenty of places to camp nearby the base which will block the enemy advance without the risk of being shot at by invisi-snipers.

  17. I usually like to sit/eat a restaurant (outdoors at times) with wifi, listen to music, while playing WoT (which can also be considered a sport) and talking to my friends.

    More often than not, I play songs, that I listen to, with a foot drum set, for ppl to give me some extra money and read a book when there is downtime in the game or just watch the TV in the beackground, in order to relax the hell out of my day. =P


    All kidding aside though, most of us probably combine a lot of things (mostly doing some of the stuff with friends/family and have music/TV/browser running in the background).

    Least favorite are prolly reading a book, playing an instrument and eating at a restaurant. Rather read forums/blogs and eat home (also cheaper =3 ).


    My favorites would be:

    1) Music + browsing the web (should be an option) = relaxing

    2) WoT + music + friends (which is mostly not relaxing but can be very fun)

    You don't like reading books or playing an instrument? Don't talk to me you... you... monster!  :angry:


    (I'm joking)

  18. Thanks for your reply :)

    I opened WOT as normal. It completed it's update. I entered the game and noticed that XVM was not working. I reinstalled XVM. Then tried to re-enter WOT and it eliminated a file. I forget which. The game would not start. I uninstalled both WOT and XVM and redownloading WOT now.

    Deleting the file most likely caused the crash. If you delete the incorrect file, you could crash your Client. Try to remember which file you deleted... if it was important to the Game Client, you may need to re-install.


    As for XVM not working, do you have statistics activated? Also, could you please attach your _Aslains_Comp_List (Text file),  _Aslains_Installer_Options (Setup information), and _Aslains_Installer (Text file)? With those files, we will be able to investigate even further.


    Also, keep in mind that Aslain's mod pack is not 9.2-ready. At the moment, it's still the 9.1 version of the mod pack. Aslain does not yet have his 9.2 Client, thus he is unable to work on the mod pack today.

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