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Everything posted by novich

  1. In this last mod and the previous ones, the reticle, that is, the reticle circle is stuck at one point and does not follow the barrel, only if it is autoaimed, when removed it returns to be without movement at one point. It does not always happen 1 out of 3 games, I have already reinstalled the game and it remains the same
  2. buenos dias , tenia instalada la anterior version que me daba problemas al entrar y salir en batallas pues se quedaba congelada la pantalla y despues de 20 segundos te echa fuera del juego comunicando que has sido desactivado del servidor , he instalado la actualizacion de wot 1.16.1 y luego he procedido a desinstalar la penultima version de aslain wot pack e instalar la nueva colgada ayer en la web , eso si siguiendo los pasos que me indicaron el otro dia borrando la cache y la version antigua. pero sigue dando el mismo problema que versiones anteriores me sigue echando fuera del juego al entrar o salir a batallas , en una de cada 3 o 4 batallas con la consiguiente merma en eficiencia en el juego y la dificultad de reconectar , por favor diganme una solucion definitiva o habre de quitar este mod cosa que no deseo
  3. i did all and still same problem also actualize to version 18
  4. with all tanks i will try cleaning cache if works let you know
  5. 1 Server: EU hi all im having problems starting or leaving battles since add the last modpack , as i dont know if was the game , i uninstall and reinstall all in the computer , still has the same problem , i dont install the whole mod just some things of it, can someone help with it? or know anything that can be done? Aslains_WoT_Logs.zip
  6. hi all im having problems starting or leaving battles since add the last modpack , as i dont know if was the game , i uninstall and reinstall all in the computer , still has the same problem , i dont install the whole mod just some things of it, can someone help with it? or know anything that can be done?
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