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  1. so far so good, well, besides garage freezing with half-transparent battle windows over it, but that's likely different bug so what was the game bug responsible?
  2. there was a long thread about that for couple days, which seem to have disappeared/moved
  3. was happening every about 10th battle yesterday, now with the new modpack version, it's every SECOND battle 🤕
  4. same problem, happens, on average, about every 10 battles there is list in the .ini file, but not that easily human-readable :D
  5. that replay could not be messed with? I'd expect that to be text log of all the gaming actions, which the client than just crunches and draws
  6. orly? my understanding is the zoom mod is only-to-unlock-certain-zoom-values, and it is upon me to manually zoom in or out as I want don't expect that thing crapping unexpectedly, jumping to zoom/movement sensitivity without me touching anything!!
  7. it's those zoom mods, confirmed installed ×50, started again, no that bad, but still
  8. so far so good, although I DO miss higher-than-25x magnification, gonna try some of those mods to see, which one will work
  9. I'll play some more to see if it behaves OK now, only managed really a handful of games. If it does, very likely one of the two mods, if not, I'll remove this one as well :) gonna be in touch, have to take a nap now. Thanks for now.
  10. doesn't that only affect artillery? don't think that does anything at all, maybe old mod which has been superseded by client upgrades, too? guess I can remove it as well
  11. I've noticed no problem whatsoever in arcade view in several few thousand battles, not even sure there is anything regarding scrolling? What exactly do you mean?
  12. oh yeah, right, just don't get what it does from the image replay did not show it? not sure if the rig is even capable of taking a video, from what I remember, high-res 30FPS video used to have large impact on framerate of the game, this is just C2Q with R7 265 it's some mod all right, with the pack uninstalled completely, I've played a dozen battles, experience was smooth the whole time
  13. I've uninstalled everything and reinstalled without the maximum zoom mod (that works by default anyways, could just tick 60× zoom in client settings) and so far seemed OK in couple battles, but could remove that DI too. I wonder what it does anyways, there's no preview :D
  14. here it happened several times in a row, by the end of the fight, rendered the tank totaly useless, you can see I had to constantly scroll or exit/enter sniper mode, got screwed up in matter of seconds hitting pretty much nothing; it's especially clear as the M4 was reversing backwards and I've tried following to no avail as it virtually switched to some insane magnification archiver never ever workd for me, here's it per file 20230105_0452_usa-A142_Pawlack_Tank_06_ensk.wotreplay python.log xvm.log _Aslains_Installer.log _Aslains_Installer_CompList.log _Aslains_Installer_Options_.inf
  15. OK, just did update of both game and modpack, checked integrity, gonna play a game and hopefully reproduce that.
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