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Everything posted by Lost

  1. XVM Mod Installer v.4.2.22_96 was the installer I was using. I will grab the latest, thanks for the great support.
  2. Coincidentally this issue occured again after running the modpack installer again. It seems to make a duplicate entry in the registry when you run the installer and the new entry points to a font that doesn't exist. IE: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\XVM Symbol HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts\XVMSymbol Is what I see in my registry, deleting both these values and re-installing the font fixes my issue every time. Just for your information.
  3. Solved my issue however with some distinctions for persons who also have this issue please take note of the following: Simply uninstalling and re-installing the font didn't work and a closer examination of my C:\Windows\Fonts directory revealed multiple copies of the same font installed (XVMSymbol.tff XVMSymbol(1).tff XVMSymbol(2).tff) etc. Simply deleting these and re-installing the font did not garnier results. I had to not only delete them from the directory in an elevated command prompt but also remove the entries from the registry at the following location HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts Once this was done I was able to successfully re-install the font however one might consider rebooting for good measure. Doing these things finally yielded results. Thank you very much Aslain for your quick support, I'm pushing a donation your way. You are a credit to this community.
  4. As topic title describes, On the minimap the last spotted icons for tanks that were spotted but are not currently seen show on the minimap as small upright rectangles instead of tank type markers (diamonds for lights, diamonds with a 1 slash for medium, etc). I am unsure how this changed as it was working with markers at one point and all of a sudden it is not longer showing them. Also please see attached picture to see what they look like now. I want them to be the diamond for scout, diamond with 1 slash for medium, diamond with 2 slashes for heavy etc. I have deleted my entire world of tanks directory and also the world of tanks directory in my appdata folder as well as used the mod installer to do a complete install (clean). Nothing seems to be working, please help. Best regards, Lost
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