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Posts posted by SgtRauksauff

  1. Hello, your work is much appreciated!


    I know there are several iterations of the information shown in the tank carousel, just not quite what my own preference is. I usually just pick Mastery Mark and Marks of Excellence (graphical), then just copy in the extra lines for Battle Tier from a saved text file.  If it's no big deal, could you add that iteration in the installer? No worries if you can't or don't want to, it's just more work for you. Although, thinking about it, if you were to change it to ask the user each individual piece they wanted, then make the config based on all of their selections, that would be nifty.  But, I have no idea how hard that would be.


    Keep up the great work!

  2. I don't know if "on the way!" will work, properly, because the game trigger for knowing when you're firing is the mouse click.  As soon as that happens, it will fire the round, and you'll get the gunshot sound, and it will happen the same time as 'on the way' would happen, so you wouldn't really hear all of it, and it' would end up lasting longer than the shot itself.  I think the main reason why they have the "round UP!" sound isn't even for the immersion factor, which it does help with, but for a supplemental audio alert when you're reloaded, in case you're not looking right at the reticle indicator, especially when you're trying to bob and weave and stay alive in the middle of a fight.


    For an immersive experience, I have found that Engine sounds, gun sounds, turret traverse sounds, and hit sounds mods really do quite a bit.  Although a few times in some large brawls, the gun sounds caused some severe interruption to the game, so I uninstalled them. This is on a pretty robust computer (i7-4770k, 32GB RAM, SSD, 2GB video).

  3. So, just to see how they were, I installed them along with the 4.2.33_96 installer, and my first map was Murovanka. the minimap was nothing but a blur, normal-sized or when hitting CTRL to enlarge.


    I'm not sure if it's a problem with the mod, or a problem with my installation, but everything else works flawlessly as usual.


    I re-installed with the regular locastan HD minimap, and it was fine.


    I run full-screen at 1920x1200 resolution.


    Aslain, I know that you do not develop that mod, or do troubleshooting for it, but I thought I would mention my issue in case other people are affected in a similar way.


    Keep up the good work, it is much appreciated.




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