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Bread With Jam

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  1. This module has stopped reseting stats every new day. I don't remember when this started (month ago or maybe when v1.5 comes, nvm). It was anoying to remove manually file where are data is stored, so maybe u can add configuration option to reset this every day automatticaly? To achive this, update in .\res_mods\configs\BBMods\Default\TimeSpent_Minimalistic.json is required, ie: { "StatisticSessions": { "Current": { "Reset": {"ResetAfter": 1, "ResetTime": 7, "LocalTime": false}, } } } TimeSpent_Minimalistic.json is loaded by .\res_mods\configs\BBMods\TimeSpent.json
  2. Aslains Modpack v. sloves this problem.
  3. *Face palm* Can U move to proper section?
  4. Not really, its from "Time Spent by ShuraBB". After deactivate this module game starts with rest of active custom modules.
  5. This happen to me after i reached Third Division in ranked battles. Only "safe mode" allows to play..
  6. Installer in end phase is trying to execute `stat_remover.js` script using `WScript.exe`. The problem occurs when extension `.js` is not always linked to this tool, and this gives error message: To solve this, WScript has to know what kind engine use by adding switch: `//e:JScript`. For example: wscript.exe //e:JScript stat_remover.js wn8 Greet This is duplicate of Aslain.com → World of Tanks - Polska sekcja → Zgłaszanie błędów i problemów → Problem podczas instalacji: Brak aparatu skryptów dla plików o rozszerzeniu ".js".
  7. Instalator w końcowej fazie próbuje uruchomić skrypt `stat_remover.js` przy pomocy `WScript.exe`. Problem polega na tym, że nie zawsze to rozszerzenie jest domyślnie przypisane do tego narzędzia co daje w efekcie komunikat: Rozwiązać ten problem można dodając przełącznik `//e:JScript`. wscript.exe //e:JScript stat_remover.js wn8 Pozdrawiam
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