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Posts posted by InCole

  1. I had a deep look through the current modpack but only found a mod that removed all camos from the game/decals/clan logos etc... (I already use the clan logo remover even) but could not find a mod that removes the 3D styles from the game and replaces them with the default tank style.


    By 3D styles I mean the ones that people get from the battlepass and such it is just a visual replacement model for the TVP/Patton/T110E5/etc... and was hoping to remove all of these from the game so all tanks keep their traditional look. The 3D styles confuse me when I fight an enemy in one as it takes me longer to recognise the tank and find the weakspots (often obscured by all the clutter on the tank due to the 3D style).





  2. On 20/07/2017 at 9:48 AM, Aslain said:

    Overlapping started to occure recently, due to some internal XVM changes. There are ways to fix it, but it all ends up with cutting the names very baddly, I will look at it next month when I got back home.


    Ah I thought it was an issue on my side. Relieved to hear it is XVM issue.


    If it is XVM issue I wouldn't worry too much about it unless it is an easy fix. I think easiest solution (if possible) is to hide or cut off the clan names as that seems to be the overlapping part (at least in my case).


    Thanks again Aslain! :)

  3. 5 hours ago, Aslain said:

    Missing spotting markers is caused by wrong font installed in your system. Remove all fonts named xvm and xvmsymbol from windows then reinstall the modpack.


    Fixed the spotting markers! You are the best Aslain! Thanks!!!


    PS: is the tab score screen normal that the texts overlap (clan name with tank name) or is there another thing I need to fix on my system?

  4. Hello Aslain,


    I seem to be having issue with latest modpack (EU Server) - this started for me since the 9.19.1 update and relevant modpacks. I have had it since the first 9.19.1 modpack release but have waited to see if it would be fixed after a few modpack releases but it has persisted.


    I am hoping I do not need to reinstall WoT to get it fixed but I have tried everything else and am hoping it is purely related to the mod setup I have selected.


    I have attached screenshots showing the issue, basically I have enabled the spotting lamps to be shown when enemies have been spotted but this is not appearing.

    Secondly on tab screen you can see the tank name is overlapping the player/clan names and I did not have this before.


    PS: I have Kaspersky but disabled it during modpack installation just to be sure - I have also disabled while playing to be sure this was not the issue.







  5. On 17/09/2016 at 0:44 PM, Aslain said:


    It's known bug in XVM, you have to wait for them to fix it.


    Ah ok, any work around with either XVM minimap enabled or disabled in your modpack?


    As in anything we can change in the config files to then get the line back? I have already tried messing around in there by disabling the XVM minimap in the config minimap.xc files but the line still refuses to come back :P

  6. Hello,


    I have two issues in Aslain's WoT ModPack v9.15.2_04


    First issue:

    Currently when I install the modpack even when I check or try with it unchecked, the option "Don't play XVM Fir and Ammorack sounds"

    it always enables all XVM sounds and I have to go to the sounds.xc file and change the first line from sounds enabled: true to sounds enabled: false



    Second issue:

    The camera direction line is missing on the minimap even when I disable the XVM minimap completely within the installer.



  7. Hello All,


    Before making a bug post I wanted to check with everyone else here if I was the only one who noticed this problem? But it seems in the new version of the mod pack the garage order is changed if you enable the tank carousel.


    Thus instead of the garage being in same order as the tech tree (China, France, Germany, UK, USA, Russia, Japan); the order is changed by the mod to be Russia, France, Germany, UK, USA, China, Japan.


    So basically the mod here is switching the order of Russia and China.

  8. Hi,


    I don't know if it is possible, but I prefer the normal vanilla WoT extended map features over the icons and such included in the XVM map. So I was wondering if a change or option could be added to be able to use some of the XVM map settings (like shown below) but without overriding the WoT extended map features.


    Currently with the options below (even if if only select to show the dynamic view range and nothing else) then I have the icons and names on map double. Once from WoT and once from the mods. So currently I had to disable the WoT extended map features, but then I only have the XVM map icons and names which are smaller and harder to read. Thus why I prefer the vanilla extended map features (the colourings are also different, especially on enemies after being spotted).


    I currently have the following options selected in the Aslain installer for the map:




    If I must sacrifice the Alt display to have the vanilla Icons, that would be ok. The only thing I really use from the XVM map is the red square shown on Alt press and the dynamic view range circle. The health bars can be handy but I can do without as well if needed to have the vanilla icons.


    Hopefully you can help on this Aslain :)


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