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Posts posted by AdgiTex

  1. its complete tools like this asking for cheats that makes me wish for that magical button on my keyboard that would not only fry his system, but give him a nice case of dysentery to boot. Please uninstall the game if you can't play it.... 

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  2. That would be hacking the wot servers, which is not possible...


    Hrm, wow, if thats the case, maybe the guys at WG should teach the US gov't a few things on server security! Actually, they should drop gaming all together and go into cyber security, they'd be rich beyond any previous level of rich.... If that's the case, they've uncovered a golden unicorn imho. NO computer system is beyond being hacked that i'm aware of.


    If you read the details in what i've said, you'd see that i mentioned "NO COVER" being available, he was in OPEN SPACE.  i get double bush mechanics, i'm not a noob here. Just saying there's some shady stuff going on with a few players i encounter. I'm also pretty well versed on armor/pen mechanics, camo/spotting mechanics, etc. Its with all that in mind that makes me wonder about some of the things i run into on rare occasions. Were it more often, or in my favor even ONCE in a while, i'd let it pass unnoticed.


    Anyway, break a track!

  3. I guess I should have clarified the circumstances. This is seen in vehicles like my hellcat, with all crew at 100% camo, sixth sense, all 3 camo types available, and a good way into situational awarness and recon...and usually double glassed or binos and net. My view is 500m with cola onboard as std equipment. Im no uni, never want to be, but I've been playing fairly regularly since dec 2012... some of the things I see definitely don't jive. I could see it if 1 or 2 didn't pop him out or land a blind HE shot, but 3 of us? For the record, the other 2 were like a wiggle gun td and a scout... he was right across a bridge from us. Someone should have had this guy lit... I could see *where* he was, tracers were clear... but he killed all 3 of us out without our ever being able to see or hit him. *Thats* the kinda circumstances I meant.

    Sure, he could have 4 perks across the crew, with rations, bia, etc. Regardless, nothing should keep him hidden while *firing* inside 100m, or even 200 when facing the vision on my hellcat (and his not really having cover to start with). No tank has good camo with guns blazing... I get the overall mechanics in use, but always trying to learn more of course. Im also familiar with the camo calculator, which still doesn't explain *these* type circumstances to my satisfaction :-/

    Anyway, back to illegal mods! I say bottom line... if anyone can dl and install them without a degree in computer science, I say go for it, sans the obvious god mode stuff.

    Happeh tankin yall !

  4. The only mods I have issue with is the one that seems to keep an enemy hidden while firing at me WELL within my view range (I'm talkin' under 100-200m in most cases). I see that far too often here lately, and when it happens, I tend to save the game and send it in with a complaint. Sorry, but if there are 3 of us being fired on by an enemy within 100m or so, how could he NOT light up to atleast one of us, esp to something like a hellcat with 500m view range. 


    Other than that and being shot through mountains by non-spg's pulling 'arty shot', I don't see anything wrong with running anything included in Aslain's modpack. I am on a very crappy verizon 1.1-3mb dsl line (which gives me 1.2 btw) and a 4 yr old (upper end) laptop... mods don't give me an advantage, they help to level the playing field agains unicums that are sitting on 50-100mb connections with a $3000+ gaming system. "That", is whats truly "unfair" to those of us limited in such ways by geography and financial considerations. 


    I have to say overall, WG's system works better than the original Diablo... it clocked the game to the slowest person's bandwidth, on dialup. Yawn lag bigtime! 

  5. Marks of excellence are a floating rating, so it's not quantifiable like crew xp needed till next %, level, whatever. Marks are based on how everyone else plays that tank as well, not just you. Basically, if you hit mastery 3rd class (or better) *every* game, you're on your way to a barrel mark. In Aslain's, enable all the stat info on your tank panels for the garage. That will show you all kind of handy info that should help you track your progress to a mastery mark. WN8 expected damage vs what you're averaging, % mastery, it all helps.


    Overall, if you're meeting WN8 expected damage (or atleast close to it) and gathering mastery badges, you'll have a mark in no time if you keep playing well. Also, you might considering running the mod that tracks your WN8 damage live during the game, or the panel that simply tracks your outgoing hits and damage totals (without WN8 expected displayed... its all in Aslain's).


    The bottom line: remember mastery is based on how you play vs how *others* have played a particular tank.... its simply impossible to calculate how many games it will take. Hope this makes sense!


    Happy tanking all!

  6. I'd never run anything deemed remotely illegal... but I sure run into enough ppl that *are*... they're rather obvious when encountered. I don't run arty any more at all... but am familiar with that visual mod, which technically, puts the cam along the arc of fire. I never cared for it personally, but again, not an arty player... I'm an arty hunter! mwhaha 


    peace and stable mods to all 

  7. IKR.


    I feel if I can't even trust someone with a rep like Aslain without putting his hard work under an electronviruscope, it's time to just toss the tech and go fishin'. Always support his work by clicking the sponsored links... while I don't install adfly, I atleast make sure he gets the click credit. After his work this morning, I need to make a nice donation too!  


    As always, thanks for your efforts Aslain! (esp when not really up to it)

  8. Chrome likes to bitch about it from time to time too, i just tell it to piss off and let ME decide what i feel is safe or not. Censorship in any form... *patooey* . At any rate, i have never had ill effects from using aslain's mods (dl'd from HIS server of course, careful with imposters/reposters). My virus scanner says it's fine, and everything i've ever read on it says the same thing. If he named the file with a made-up extension, it would probably never get questioned by browsers/virus sw. I send .exe's via gmail all the time simply by changing the .exe to .bss (or whatever) and it sends with no problem. All the receiver has to do is change it back to .exe once they have it downloaded. 


    Always more than one way.... 

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