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Posts posted by Joshmbu

  1. Everything works fine, after setup though the installer has the check box to send me to xvm website to sign up and regardless of wether it is checked or not after I click it the entire box disappears but the icon stays at bottom of the screen.  I ctr alt del and check processes and it stays running.  Have to manually end it.    I've uninstalled completely and reinstalled but still happens.


    On a side note despite the installer freezing at the end, everything installs and operates fine.


    Thank you Aslain for this mod pack, I can't say it enough!

  2. I gave a friend the three aslain files from the wot folder aslains_installer aslains_installer_cmlist aslains_installer_options   he overwrote his with these and it did what we intended and he got a copy of what my settings were.  I think it's the installer options that stores my specific info, but i'm not sure, could anyone confirm?  is there an easier way we could get this, or is this easy enough?  (I can live with it, I've just seen it as an import export option in other modpacks)

  3. As it says, some sort of file that probably already exists?  just a button to let us save it somewhere easy, then upload to filebrowser in teamspeak so someone else can just import with another button the settings.  If the mod is too much, then maybe someone could direct me to the directory where 'custom' installations are stored.  I see that it remembers my last setup, so it has to be somewhere.

  4. Installer works great on both of my computers, but both get errors the FIRST time I attempt to install the modpack.  I did not screenshot it either time, but I will after the next update if it persists.  The error is at the end of the 'extracting' phase when it gets to Reco's Vertical Tech Tree.  some random error, just click okay, it goes away, everything is installed except reco's.  I run installer a second time, and it goes through the entire process and SUCCESSFULLY installs all mods including reco's.  Not a big problem, just have to do it all twice.  I will screen shot it next time, just wanted everyone to be aware to just redo install if they have a problem and it will fix reco's.  Thanks.

  5. Alright so, one of these mods would be fun(for some) and one of these mods would build off a win chance system that I believe is flawed in xvm.

    The Winchance mod.

    I understand WG approach to balancing matches with matchmaking and if you don't know how they do it the wotwiki has a great write up and they also released a video that is on YouTube.  In a jist, each vehicle is given a Weight, with most vehicles having multipliers depending on the type of vehicle.  The top tier vehicle is always matched by tier, but the rest, really aren't taken into account, other than getting the weight that is needed to balance the team.  Well, this works, if we were robots, playing the tanks, but we all know that we have differing skill levels.  I highly doubt I could convince wargaming to tweak mm. (adding a fraction of the players eff rating to the weight comes to mind.  10% of eff for tier 1, 15% for tier 2, 20% for tier 3, etc...).  So, I am left with asking for this.  Currently what I understand the Win Chance to be is XVM using player WN8 to establish which teams have the higher % chance to win.  I don't know if it more complicated than that, but I would propose this.  A top tier tank, with a top tier player, is going to change the whole game, a lot more than a unicum in the sole easy 8 in a tier 8 game.  Yet, if I am correct win chance doesn't really care.  I don't know how to adjust code on xvm, maybe it can be done easily, but I propose that a different system be created (either xvm be tweaked, or a mod to just replace the win chance percent and xvm win chance can be disabled).  The mod(or adjusted code) would use wargamings basic weights for vehicles, but take into account more, if not all of the individual statistics of that player. Currently I see an EFF score 1-99, WN8 4 digit, overall win percentage, tank win percentage(battles in tank could put more weight on this stat if we wanted it more accurate.)  100% wr with 4 battles will skew the system greatly.  I will see if I can come up with a reasonable equation wgtotalweight(known value for every tank) + eff/2 + overallwr/2 + XWN8(2 digit representation of WN8)/2==team1Value    same equation==team2value     team1value - team2value == XValue  ... I'm not sure where to from here.  Very lost.  Quickly, I think that the best judge of win chance would involve wargamings tank weight, with the players overall skill which I think xvm's win chance works on. 


    My brain is hurting a bit, I wanted to quickly ask this about a sound mod.

    This sound mod would reference XVM's ratings.  I play all tiers, and my stats are average, very middle of the road.  Very familiar with the terms seal clubbing, stat padding.  Etc.  this is a very general idea and I hope that other people will build upon it.  I currently use UT sound pack and I love it.  It essentially calls things out when you perform kills.  Just wondering if it would be possible to take into account your victim's WN8 to determine the sound played back.  To be fair, when I am killed, it would also trigger a sound, based on the guy who killed me's WN8...  at 1200 wn8 I kill a "tamatoe"  maybe it calls out tomatoe. or potatoe for that wn8.  if you get TG maybe it screams seal clubber!  or maybe it's as simple as, if they have a lower wn8 than you, it makes the seal barking noise when you kill something.  If they have a higher wn8 it makes a separate noise.  I guess there is a lot of directions you could go with this.  It has zero practical use to make you or the game any better.  I just like the seal barking noise.  Anyway,  glad to be done, back to WoT.  Thanks for reading!

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